Example sentences of "had everything [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I felt I had everything under control and I feel disgusted about it . ’
2 And why did the impact of his presence provoke such an undeniable response in her when , earlier , she had felt that she had everything under control ?
3 But Stefan had everything under control and he could not resist the temptation to open his first new production on his own rostrum .
4 And the fitters worked happily in their particular section and they had everything at their disposals you know , more or less er er in the one unit .
5 He could not plan for the way of the wind , that was luck , but for the rest he had everything at his finger-ends .
6 I had nothing against his [ Fayed 's ] being a wealthy commission agent — I had everything against his cheating his way into House of Fraser , helped by Kleinwort Benson and Norman Tebbit .
7 The kind of farcical spectacle pop has n't provided for a while , it had everything from Radio 1 getting in a tizzy about whether to ban it to TOTP carrying drug warnings , from ageing DJs singing along to the chorus to ageing rockers ( Francis Rossi of Status Quo ) crawling out of the woodwork to condemn it .
8 The Ford ‘ Edsel ’ , unveiled as the car that had everything in the way of advanced engineering , flopped like a dead duck with the public which presumably was little interested in engineering .
9 And he had a grand garden , he had everything in his garden .
10 A Barra fisherman 's son , one of eight born to a couple who lived as squatters in a foreshore hut , ‘ was brought up in my grandfather 's across the road : ‘ I had everything in their house .
11 In Three Men in a Boat he tells how , having gone through a medical dictionary at the British Museum — to check if he had hayfever — he decided he had everything in the book except housemaids knee .
12 In Acts we have two vivid descriptions of what has come to be called the communism of the early Church : ‘ All who believed were together and had all things in common ; and they sold their possessions and goods and distributed them to all , as any had need ’ ( Acts 2:44–5 ) ; and ‘ No one said that any of the things which he possessed was his own , but they had everything in common …
13 The strategic concept had everything in its favour ; for success it required efficient planning and ruthless aggression .
14 The doctor told Mum that Sarah had everything in her favour .
15 I had everything in in the house any anything that they 'd brought up early beforehand .
16 And it 's a really good parcel , th they thought of everything they had everything in the in the food parcel , very good .
17 It seemed Lizzie had everything in hand .
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