Example sentences of "had be laid " in BNC.

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1 By August 5 the cable had been laid , and Thomson had sent the first two messages over it .
2 Vehicles would then drive off , up the roller trackway Which had been laid like a silver ribbon across the soft shingle of the beach , and formed up in marshalling areas before moving on to their destination .
3 Barely six months earlier , however , another trap had been laid and I had fallen into it with a resounding thud .
4 No agreements had been laid out beforehand .
5 It was a demoralised Don Peters who drove away from The London Hilton and the all-American farewell party that had been laid on for him by Clancy McGillicuddy .
6 I hardly remember what Mrs Girdlestone looked like , other than that she was plump and elderly , and gave an impression of being prepared for battle ; but I was touched when I saw the tea that had been laid out ready for me , imagining the two ladies conferring about the slices of bought ham , the thin bread-and-butter , and the bought cake .
7 A boiled egg and two slices of buttered bread had been laid out at his place at the table .
8 True , the foundations had been laid for a cultural revival , a breakdown of the isolation in which individual centres of learning , art , and devotion had existed .
9 Even when the moral failings of America 's Nicaraguan and other campaigns had been laid out before him clearly , many times , his Manichaean view of the world was undisturbed .
10 A park-like path had been laid out around the sacred waters , with stepping stones .
11 The way the floorboards had been laid , I saw , had meant that the doctored beam had been a main load-bearer .
12 Mr Charsley begins by pointing out that a Martian who found himself invited to a wedding would imagine that the whole affair had been laid on to honour the cake ( the question as to who would invite a Martian or to which side of the church the ushers would show him or why best men seem to turn into Martians when it comes to speeches , he quite wisely avoids ) .
13 At the year end the combined membership reached 308 thus exceeding the magic 300 , yet the trading surplus was only £15 , with a mere £130 on capital account , although new greens at the 6th and 8th had been laid out at some cost .
14 She switched off the alarm clock , then lit the fire that had been laid the night before .
15 The building was eventually completed in 1880 , over 300 years after the first stone had been laid .
16 This conversation , occurring shortly after the conversation with Patrick recorded above , was taking place at Ludens 's flat , where a scrappy supper had been laid out by Ludens after Gildas 's telephone call .
17 It was immediately clear that the book had been undisturbed for a very long time , perhaps even since it had been laid to rest .
18 Robert Kerr voiced the general disappointment that no selection of plans had been laid before the Fellows for their consideration , for Burn 's success had been founded , as they all knew from Kerr 's own book , The Gentleman 's House , on his absolute mastery of integrating the complex demands of that subject .
19 She then went on to point out that several pieces of silver had been laid out for the dining room which bore clear remains of polish .
20 Once my father had been laid in his bed , I was a little uncertain as to how to proceed ; for while it seemed undesirable that I leave my father in such a condition , I did not really have a moment more to spare .
21 In April 1957 , when what remained of the work was being cleared up , some specimens which had been laid by to crystallize were found to have done so , and so they were sent for pharmacological investigation .
22 There were lots of people in plastic rain hoods puffing their way up a huge , cobbled stairway , complaining at how wide apart the steps had been laid .
23 The prisoner , a negro stevedore called Augustus Ciparis , remained locked up in his cell for four days after St Pierre had been laid waste , without food , half-dead from burns and shock , until his cries for help were heard by two negroes picking through the ruins of the town .
24 Unfortunately the opening was dogged by controversy , because the track in which the route had been laid was of a type having a 1¼″ groove instead of the normal 1″ groove .
25 More disasters followed , when it was found that the track had been laid slightly out-of-gauge , and all of the new cars 27–41 broke their axles in the first two weeks .
26 Cars had been laid on in advance by Tom Warner 's telegram , and we were soon settled in our respective suites or rooms in the C.P.R. 's palatial Hotel Saskatchewan .
27 A thin strip of warmth had been laid across the frozen earth .
28 Salisbury had been laid out in the thirteenth century , rather in the fashion of the twentieth century garden cities .
29 Whitechurch wrote : ‘ The immense timber yard is enough to make one imagine that material had been laid in for building a fleet of a hundred arks after the pattern of Noah 's .
30 Thus , in the vital days before September 1939 , not only had prime arrangements been undertaken in connection with aircraft and tanks , but the organisation had been laid down for the ready assembly of ambulance trains and casualty evacuation trains and , through the Mechanical and Electrical Engineers ' Consultative Committee , which was formed in the abortive crisis of September 1938 , to advise the Railway Executive Committee on matters pertaining to Railway Workshops , rolling stock and electrical undertakings .
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