Example sentences of "not be told " in BNC.

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1 Even taped interviews can only be read with caution , since they may have been edited , and the reader will not be told how .
2 Why can we not be told ?
3 Mr Rampton asked Lord Aldington why he had ordered on 17 May 1945 that the Yugoslavs not be told where they were going , and whether they had been falsely told they were going to Italy .
4 The fill story of how this attitude has gradually changed can not be told here .
5 But the servants can not be told that .
6 There are stone pots and earthenware ones with luxury glazes , ancient pots that you find at house sales in the country , and , of course , plastic pots which now come textured and coloured so closely to terracotta that they can not be told apart .
7 Could we not be told that after Wellesley 's magnificent Arabian charger , Diomed , left him by a brother officer killed in a squalid duel , was piked at Assaye he insisted he should be nursed back to fitness and not put down like the other wounded horses ?
8 IN A POEM called History Peter Porter piles a number of state crimes — reminiscent of those attributed to the Stasi — on top of one another in a seemingly solid pillar of evidence , only to explode it in the last line with the simple but logical detonation : ‘ Their story will not be told . ’
9 Had it not been for Goleniewski 's information , which the court could not be told about , Blake would never have been caught and because Goleniewski could not have given evidence without Blake 's confession he could not have been brought to trial .
10 He decided , however , that Maidstone should not be told of his reason for being in Naples — not yet , anyway .
11 BR 4 , 19. proverb , something else which the … says must not be told of afterwards , i.e. a kiss , a reference to the traditional proverb about the reprehensibility of kissing and telling .
12 The other worry is whether the child will or will not be told about his or her origin .
13 ‘ It does not necessarily mean that people should not be told the truth in school about what happens in reality . ’
14 The Great Battle can not be told entirely as a series of truth statements : the Gospel is not philosophy .
15 It is matched only by the insistence of the anonymous reviewer of the TLS that in The Lord of the Rings all the good and bad sides do is try to kill each other , so that they can not be told apart : ‘ Morally there seems nothing to choose between them . ’
16 Your police can not be told why we need this information .
17 But the story of closure can not be told beyond this point without analysis of the other psychiatric hospital managed by the AHA with which its fate was so closely bound .
18 You will not be told how much he earns ; but you will be told that the reports of £1 million a year are exaggerated and distorted ( half that is nearer the mark ) ; you will be told , too , that in his fourth year at the Bar he was earning less than a Manchester bus driver — without overtime .
19 In so doing he permitted Isis to reveal the name to her son Horus but ordered that it must not be told to anyone else .
20 Because the ‘ players ’ in an information-based organization are specialists , they can not be told how to do their work .
21 A particularly difficult situation arises in the case of a girl who is sent to hospital in need of a therapeutic abortion and refuses point blank to enter the hospital unless a guarantee is given that her parents shall not be told about it .
22 ‘ Your men will not be told the location until they arrive there .
23 No , I 'd better not be told , because I should only begin counting up all the things I 'd missed , and you 're better off not knowing what you 've missed . ’
24 We have indicated that the unthinking and undiscriminating use of questions — often closed or low-level — may reflect what we term a ‘ taboo on didacticism ’ , a sense that children at all costs must not be told .
25 Half an hour later Julia agreed the police should not be told about the number plate until Tuesday .
26 But , not be told ?
27 But , not be told .
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