Example sentences of "not put forward " in BNC.

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1 In 1956 Britain drew up a scheme for a free trade area of OEEC states , but it was not put forward until November and by then the work of the Six , to British surprise , had progressed well .
2 The Conservatives have not put forward one constructive alternative to the Labour party document .
3 There is no question that the issue of Monktonhall was not put forward , as the hon. Member for Gordon seemed to imply .
4 It is not put forward as a definitive model for how coping , support and events interrelate in the genesis of psychiatric disorder , because the issues are so complex that the diagram could be redrawn in several different ways and indicate several other likely relationships .
5 I want to make it clear that the cricket committee did not put forward Richardson 's name unanimously , as some have suggested .
6 This totally misguided view which , of course , Professor Hoskins certainly did not put forward , has to be corrected and , at the same time , the somewhat unbalanced concentration on late enclosure rectified .
7 ( 99 ) … in civil or criminal cases you must not put forward what you know to be a false case .
8 First of all , he can include a patent indemnity , without any exclusion clause tacked on to it , along the lines set out above , providing express but limited remedies , and , in particular , not putting forward an express right to compensation for economic loss .
9 I 'm not putting forward that as my position .
10 The , the minute , the note last time said a pool of cand , they , they will be told that a pool of possible candidat candidates will be contacted to attend for final interview once it 's decided to go ahead with the new appointment , so you could the thr the the three , or whatever it is that you are not putting forward , that their , that our interest in them has ceased
11 Likewise , you look at any of the other scores that we had fairly high up , for example you rate your plant it 's a possibility there that you 've got you know you 've got these ideas that you 're not putting forward that you could do and develop that side of .
12 In a letter to the BR chairman , Sir Bob Reid , the party 's transport spokesman , Murray Falconer , wrote : ‘ By not putting forward already established plans for a Dornoch firth rail crossing , BR is deceiving the people it should be serving …
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