Example sentences of "not for nothing " in BNC.

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1 Italians think of the state system much as Britons used to regard ‘ Auntie ’ and not for nothing is it known as ‘ Mamma RAI ’ .
2 Not for nothing was it dubbed the ‘ Triumph Snag ’ .
3 Not for nothing were such power stations described as ‘ brick cathedrals ’ ; Bankside is the finest manifestation of this tradition .
4 It was not for nothing that he was chosen as Mr Squeaky Clean after the sexual and financial aberrations of his two predecessors .
5 It 's not for nothing that he has earned his reputation as Scotland 's most effective ‘ company doctor ’ .
6 Not for nothing has the shift remained a timeless classic .
7 Not for nothing did Sue Ellen 's hair flop when she became an alcoholic .
8 Not for nothing , however , are they called wise .
9 When baking a cake , manufacturers of cake-mixes were told , women were acting out symbolically the birth of a child ( not for nothing was the vulgar phrase for pregnancy a ‘ bun in the oven ’ ) .
10 Not for nothing was she dubbed BB — pronounced Bébé .
11 Not for nothing had she made all those journeys with her employers — she now showed herself to have a familiarity with timetables quite out of the ordinary and was able to spot at once where a connection could be made .
12 It is to the new city rulers that the origins of banking are usually attributed ; not for nothing is the home of the London banking community called Lombard Street .
13 It is not for nothing that scabies is commonly known as the itch .
14 Not for nothing was he known as Windy — when upset he really did ‘ blow his top ’ but his bark was worse than his bite — he was an excellent teacher and took both Standards Six and Seven .
15 It was also the home of the Brooklands Automobile Racing Club whose motto , ‘ The right crowd and no crowding ’ , neatly summed up its attitude — not for nothing has it been called the Ascot of the motor racing world .
16 There is undeniably something ‘ over-thetop ’ about Rachmaninov 's piano music , a larger-than-life quality that requires larger-than-life treatment , and that extra dash of daring in Wild 's playing ( not for nothing do his fans call him ‘ Wild Earl ’ ) can be relied upon to produce something more than unusually exciting .
17 It was not for nothing that he paid house insurance .
18 Not for nothing is water polo an Italian expression to describe business life : the fouls are done with the feet under the water where the umpire can not see them . ’
19 Not for nothing have I a brother-in-law who cooks professionally .
20 Not for nothing are black holes called black .
21 We have always said that it is not for nothing that the Unix prompts are dollar and percentage signs and at last somebody out there has the common sense to recognise that fact too : the new Unix Reseller Show , set for May 4 to 6 in Dallas , is blatantly promoting itself with the slogan ‘ How To Make Money With Unix ’ ; if that does n't bring the punters piling in , nothing will .
22 Not for nothing is New York mocked by some as Moscow-on-the-Hudson .
23 Not for nothing do rivals sourly suggest that MS-DOS stands for Microsoft Seeks Domination Over Society .
24 We have always said that it is not for nothing that the Unix prompts are dollar and percentage signs .
25 Not for nothing has Nikolaus Pevsner 's The Englishness of English Art just been translated into German .
26 Not for nothing is the first chapter of his book called Creating the Space .
27 Not for nothing was she known as ‘ Whiplash Wallace ’ .
28 Not for nothing is the score studded with markings such as ‘ en pleurant ’ , ‘ très libre ’ , ‘ avec amour ’ .
29 The second remarkable event was Henry 's marriage in May 1152 to another great heiress — not for nothing has the twelfth century been called the " Century of Heiresses " .
30 But not for nothing had Max Klein spent the best years of his youth and early manhood at country fairs and markets learning to give as good as he got .
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