Example sentences of "not [vb pp] to look " in BNC.

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1 Unlike the United States Supreme Court , which can delve deep into the deliberations of the Founding Fathers to try to elucidate what was meant by a particular provision of the Constitution , British courts are not permitted to look at the proceedings of Parliament in order to determine what Parliament really meant .
2 When , sensing that he had left her alone in more ways than one , the woman asked him to come back to bed , he had not turned to look at her but instead remained silent a moment longer .
3 In fact he had not bothered to look at me at all .
4 In Rannie v Irvine ( 1844 ) 7 Man & G 969 Tindal CJ said " if the contract is reasonable at the time it is entered into , we are not bound to look out for improbable and extravangant contingencies in order to make it void " .
5 Although it had followed Cusick 's design , the model was not judged to look busy enough .
6 Suppose , after all , that he had not gone to look and in the morning they had found her stiff and cold in her cot , her eyes glazed and unfocused , her lips blue ?
7 It is of course very difficult for the eye to register detail when it is not trained to look for it ; it is only when true students of the Gothic , like the elder Pugin , begin to distinguish the styles of different periods , that the buildings of the past really come into focus in the novel .
8 Her friend — for she and Rose had become quite close — had sniffed at Mrs Langtry , and said kindly , ‘ I ‘ ear as ‘ ow she 's a right fat cow these days , ’ and fortunately had not asked to look at the other one she had bought .
9 ‘ But when I pick her up from school I 'm not allowed to look around the other girls because I know her headmistress disapproves … ’
10 We , we were not allowed to look er pretty on the wards or anything like that .
11 I know where the cake is but I 'm not allowed to look
12 Not allowed to look Can I read that ?
13 I 'm not allowed to look anyway .
14 Even then he had not liked to look into it too much but had kept his eyes on the ground or straight ahead of him because the wood was the kind of place you saw in story-book illustrations or even in your dreams and out of which things were liable to come creeping .
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