Example sentences of "not [art] child " in BNC.

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1 I am attempting to wean him but it is I and not the child who is loth to finish the business .
2 In this more specific area of debate , the issue is whether or not the child will be so badly handicapped that it will be unable to sustain a life which society would consider to be in any sense worthwhile .
3 It is therefore extremely important when assessing any child for language impairment to ask what kind of language is appropriate for the child 's home and immediate environment , and whether or not the child 's ability is consistent with her experience and the expectations of those around her .
4 Here , the aim of assessment is simply to identify whether or not the child 's language is unusual or atypical compared with that of other children of a similar age or in respect of other aspects of development .
5 Thus the crucial determiner of the therapeutic experiences to which the child will be exposed is whether or not the child is categorised as ‘ having ’ a particular condition .
6 When using these procedures , there is obviously the danger that the materials themselves will invite the child to perform certain actions ( the spoon naturally goes in the cup ) , irrespective of whether or not the child understands the instructions .
7 whether or not the child 's sounds or words are imitations ;
8 whether or not the child 's words are addressed to another person ;
9 Recording is an index of whether or not the method of intervention is effective over time and , in turn , of whether or not the child 's behaviour is changing — be it for better or worse .
10 Not surprisingly , such policy was held to be invalid since it purported to override the express statutory duty , imposed by section 6(5) , to give effect to parental preference whether or not the child comes from the area of the local education authority .
11 ‘ Where the person applying for leave to make an application for a section 8 order is not the child concerned , the court shall , in deciding whether or not to grant leave , have particular regard to — ( a ) the nature of the proposed application for the section 8 order ; ( b ) the applicant 's connection with the child ; ( c ) any risk there might be of that proposed application disrupting the child 's life to such an extent that he would be harmed by it ; and ( d ) where the child is being looked after by a local authority — ( i ) the authority 's plans for the child 's future ; and ( ii ) the wishes and feelings of the child 's parents .
12 The question for the court in any case where the discretion falls to be exercised , one or other of the gateways provided by article 13 having been opened , is whether or not the child or children should be returned to the jurisdiction from which they have been wrongfully removed .
13 However , even before the Act of 1989 made the distinction clear for all to see , it had long been recognised that wardship was only machinery and that the court 's inherent jurisdiction could be exercised whether or not the child was a ward : see , for example , In re L. ( An Infant ) [ 1968 ] P. 119 , 157 .
14 The humble people bring up the hero as their own child , eventually the hero realizes through a dream , through a prophecy , a visitation or something that he is not the child of his humble parents , but the find out who his real parents were , and then returns and arduous struggles and eventually gains his rightful place .
15 For example , " Mum , can I go out to play ? " indicates that the two people in the improvisation are mother and child and that the issue is whether or not the child is allowed out .
16 The interview should go at the pace of the adult and not the child .
17 Whilst not every child has the aptitude for sport , with such a large choice of activities in the country , there 's bound to be something which each child can enjoy .
18 When one does this , it is clear that not every child is equally equipped to cope with the particular purposes and tasks that occur in classrooms .
19 Is not every child whose parents are on income support entitled to a free school meal ?
20 Even so young Maggie was not a child to cheat ; it did not occur to her to prise the egg open , only to stay longer in the bath and to forget to take the soap out of the water , when she climbed out herself , pink and skinny .
21 I 'm not a child and I did n't like my father . ’
22 At first I had suggested that I should keep her company but she dismissed the idea at once : ‘ I am not a child , and I refuse to be treated as one ’ , and I guessed she wanted to be alone rather as a young girl might who sets out to post an imaginary letter , hoping to meet on the way the person for whom she has made herself beautiful .
23 I am not a child , Isabel . ’
24 The combined effect of these provisions is that the question of whether or not a child has special educational needs depends not so much on the child 's specific needs considered in isolation , but rather on the appropriateness or otherwise of existing provision .
25 But you 're not a child any more , you see , and it 's high time you … ’
26 ‘ I 'm not a child , Faither , ’ he remonstrated .
27 Evidence of change may be useful in deciding whether or not a child requires special placement , and it is likely to be particularly helpful when discussing the child with other professionals or parents .
28 ‘ Papa , something is very wrong , please tell me , I 'm not a child any more . ’
29 ‘ You 've no reason to worry , I 'm not a child and anyway the fare is dear enough for one of us , let alone two .
30 In short , in deciding whether or not a child was being abused ( and what course of practical action to take ) , social workers were not simply relying on clinical and other sources of more objective evidence , but were being asked to make value judgements about the kinds of situations in which child abuse is most likely to occur , and the ‘ types ’ of people most likely to engage in it .
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