Example sentences of "he [vb mod] to play " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It is the people hereabouts that I like , ’ said Mr Crump , feeling the silence as censure and well aware that he ought to play a proper part in the conversation .
2 He was very tempted to hurry developments along in that area , but with things as they were he decided he ought to play it very carefully .
3 He used to play baseball and he wears a white baseball cap that one day may become as famous as Pat Cash 's chequered headbands .
4 During the Thirties when we were all in the big bands , I remember the really fiery jazz clarinet he used to play with us in the Bag O' Nails , just about the first jazz club in Britain . ’
5 He explained that when he used to play the Ravel Trio with his family , they would often remark on the fullness of texture ( particularly in the piano part ) which almost cried out for orchestral treatment .
6 Gabi told me he used to play along to Django Reinhardt and Count Basie records — if you wanted to hear Gabby play One O'Clock Jump then you had it , he could play all that shit .
7 He used to play guitar and wear outlandish costumes in a punk band .
8 Dad had often spoken about the Railway Hotel just across the road from what remained of the station , and how he used to play the battered old piano and have a sing-song with his pals .
9 I remember occasionally , very occasionally , he used to play cricket with me on the lawn .
10 He used to play pool and that .
11 He used to play rugby but he does n't play now because he does n't like it anymore .
12 He said that they had never forgotten her ; nor had he forgot ten Slavko , with whom he used to play .
13 The lace holes on his shoes are mapped out in a rather racy zigzag pattern , and he used to play in Patti Smith 's band .
14 He played the tin whistle for a living , you ken , he used to play up and down the streets in and and .
15 He used to play with us as well .
16 And this man he was a regular dustbin , dustbin man and he 'd been at it all his life and he used to play cards with us and his family , his sons , and , and as many else as got any money to play pontoon or brag .
17 He used to play in it years ago .
18 He used to play head-tennis with people like Ray Wilkins and Gordon McQueen which is n't a bad grounding , is it ? ’ laughs Harry .
19 As a schoolboy he used to play head tennis with Ray Wilkins and Gordon McQueen at Manchester United , now he is finding his own way as a youngster at Barnsley
20 The lace holes on his shoes are mapped out in a rather racy zigzag pattern , and he used to play in Patti Smith 's band .
21 He used to play centre back in the youth cup winning juniors team .
22 One of today 's most distinguished ( though not yet knighted ) evolutionary theorists so seldom cleans his glasses that his vision is probably a misty blur anyway , but he seems to get along pretty well and , by his own account , he used to play a mean game of monocular squash .
23 I know when he played , he used to play it with his fists , but erm ,
24 He used to play rugby , and according to the coach it shows .
25 He says he used to play sport before .
26 He used to play for Hull I think did n't he ?
27 He used to play cricket for Queensborough
28 he was a pianist was n't he was , he was , he used to play in the what 's a name
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