Example sentences of "he [vb mod] to help " in BNC.

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1 The Soviet minister was ‘ shattered ’ by Mr Genscher 's account of the nightmare conditions in which the refugees were living in Prague and promised to do all he could to help .
2 Meanwhile , he would do what he could to help her , and would frankly face the fact that her presence gave him enormous pleasure .
3 He had come to his sister Elizabeth 's rescue in her time of trouble , contributing almost beyond the call of duty ; he had already done what he could to help his young nephew Robert — now what of Benjamin ?
4 The solicitor made notes and promised to do all that he could to help if contacted .
5 He would have liked to hurry off eastwards , towards Roxburgh , to endeavour to see what had happened to Murray , and to do what he could to help .
6 Seton , warned , would now of course do what he could to help the townsmen , but his actual authority was limited to this royal castle .
7 By his continual switching from one level of style to another , and his equally continual use of characters as ‘ internal reflectors ’ of embarrassment or suspicion , Tolkien showed at least that he was aware of that very predictable mistake , and ready to do what he could to help his readers round it .
8 ‘ Peter wanted to do anything he could to help catch Paul 's killers but it was not easy for him to help with the pictures . ’
9 He used to help out down there , did n't he ? ’
10 He used to help my brother out quite often .
11 He used to help us with our homework , ’ said Rhianon .
12 I resigned from the family planning about seven years ago when my husband retired , as I say because he used to help me very much and when he retired and my children had all married I felt it was time that I should retire too .
13 He used to help out now and again , but only when he felt like it .
14 He was a dairyman , only he used to keep just one or two cows and he used to help me with spare time .
15 He used to help , he was our regular you see .
16 He used to help us with anything before he got with her he 'd always help me he always looked happy , now he
17 At a park near the hotel , Anderson promises Mrs Hollar , by means of her son , Sacha , translating , that he will do what he can to help her husband ( scene nine ) and returns to the hotel where he finds McKendrick drunkenly baiting some of the England team in Grayson 's room .
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