Example sentences of "he [vb mod] to say " in BNC.

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1 There were a hundred things that he knew he ought to say .
2 His voice softened when he saw her reaction and became more confident , as though he could now say what he wanted rather than what he ought to say .
3 Edward Crumwallis knew he ought to say something .
4 He knows what he ought to say .
5 He used to say : ‘ Listen to the music , let it tell you what to do . ’
6 ‘ I will never , never abandon these bright hopes , ’ he used to say to me with shining eyes .
7 One minute a well-behaved group of us — writers , intellectuals and so forth — were contentedly watching Zelda Plum dancing with the chinchilla on her head while Ken the Australian Horse Player offered odds ( 'Six to four the rat , ’ he used to say , I do not know why , and on this particular evening the rat escaped and tripped up Robin Fox , London 's most distinguished theatrical agent , who fell on top of Wales 's friend , the actress Susan George ) and the next a squad of hooligans were pushing people around and conjuring a piece of pot from Mrs Mouse 's sewing basket .
8 He used to say that his ordination to the priesthood , in Farnworth parish church on 22 September 1929 , with Raven preaching , mattered to him much the more .
9 ‘ I git no pleasure from hurtin' another human bein' , ’ he used to say .
10 ‘ People like mystery , ’ he used to say .
11 ‘ You 'll turn the child 's head , ’ he used to say , ‘ filling it up with all that nonsense . ’
12 Man next door , he used to say he wanted — some chest of drawers .
13 ‘ One thing at a time , ’ he used to say pompously , as though there were some virtue in it .
14 He used to say : ‘ I can not teach you .
15 In 1912 Duke represented the United States at the Olympic Games in Stockholm and won the gold medal in the 100 metres freestyle , losing it again only in 1924 to Johnny Weissmuller : ‘ It took Tarzan to beat me ’ , he used to say .
16 He used to say he got angry because he cared so much .
17 He used to say : ‘ I think music is in the air all around me : I 've only to take as much as I want ’ .
18 He used to say he missed Meli , ’ Mrs Henderson said .
19 ‘ When Mark Bright was the lone striker he used to say it was the most difficult job around .
20 ‘ I do n't see any point in self-denial , ’ he used to say .
21 He used to say he could drink quite a bit because he had very low blood pressure .
22 He used to say they brought him luck . ’
23 He used to say that he did not want to listen to a man like Beethoven , whose stormy music told his hearers all about himself and his troubles , but rather to hear the pure beauty of musical form , which so far as he was concerned reached its acme in Mozart 's classical perfection .
24 The only advantage of illness , as far as Eliot was concerned , was that it released him from the general round of works and days — it was , he used to say , his body 's way of telling him to stop — and during periods of ill health such as this one he seemed better able to write .
25 He did not like the city now — in fact he used to say that he disliked any place he had known before 1914 .
26 I 'd promise anything for a leg over in those days , he used to say , but I 've got more about me now .
27 ‘ And that was me , crippled for life , ’ he used to say , ‘ knee-capped by a Yankee flying bog . ’
28 In those early years the horrors of travel merely reminded him what a long , long way Anna was from her own country , and he used to say that they owed it to her to make up for it .
29 He used to say that the first obligation as a sports writer was not to be in the least boring ; that you had to try and retain the excitement of the event in your writing — without taking liberties with the truth or manufacturing drama . ’
30 Check first and trust afterwards , he used to say to her .
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