Example sentences of "he [be] able " in BNC.

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1 It was said of him that he would have given the Masai Africa had he been able .
2 Only by restoring his muscle spasm had he been able to conquer the impulse to commit suicide .
3 ‘ One wonders , had he been able to have a say , whether he would have wished to inflict this level of strain on those around him .
4 Had he been able to argue with Northumberland before the present arrived he would have refused it , for four reasons .
5 The board assessed his compensation at a substantially lower figure than he would have been awarded by an industrial tribunal had he been able in law to appeal to such a tribunal .
6 Only in the last ten years or so had he been able to give up going to the country towns and villages for uncomfortable , if lucrative , one- or two-day visits ; only then had he found it possible to move from Jewtown to commodious rooms in Patrick Street , Cork 's main thoroughfare , where he could live as well as have his surgery .
7 Gustave would have made me into a hermit had he been able : the hermit of Paris .
8 Had it been only Ben he had seen , or had he been able to look out , however briefly , on the world of the future ; her world ?
9 This obviously reduces the income below what it would have been had he been able to hold the assets directly .
10 Writing this in 1776 , he was pleased enough with what was happening ; had he been able to look back from 1815 he would have seen his optimism largely vindicated .
11 Numb with agony and humiliation , she got undressed like a ghost and went to bed , unable to let herself dwell too deeply on what had happened in case she found herself asking the inevitable question : if I hate Damian Flint , why has he been able to hurt me so deeply ?
12 And how would he be able to bear having me around , working for him ?
13 Nor will he be able to take a sabbatical to formulate the complex structures of meaning lodged deep in the empirical material , which Lévi-Strauss ( 1976 : 80 ) has argued are capable of linking together symbolic and metaphoric programmes to ‘ reveal properties not immediately accessible to the ( empirical ) observation ’ .
14 If he ran in that direction , would he be able to dodge ?
15 Would he be able to fly
16 would he be able to move
17 And if he did would he be able to declare categorically to the police that Adam and Rufus and Mary had actually been living there ?
18 Finally one unnamed diplomat , whilst claiming that the name meant nothing to him , showed an unnatural willingness to make a note of D'Arcy 's message ‘ should he be able to trace such a man . ’
19 ‘ Will he be able to go to the same school as his brothers and sisters ? ’ or ‘ Will she be able to speak like other boys and girls when she is older ? ’
20 ‘ Would he be able to tell which is which ?
21 Would he be able to stagger onward ?
22 Only after Prussia 's startling display of military efficiency against Austria ( 1866 ) and France ( 1870–71 ) would he be able to overcome this opposition .
23 Would he be able to come to terms with them , as she , herself , had begun to , albeit reluctantly ?
24 He must think in terms of thousand upon thousand of repetitions when practising a particular kata , for only through constant repetition will he be able to master the basic fighting movements and to achieve the physical and spiritual sensitivity that lies at the heart of the martial arts .
25 Nor would he be able to let us know about the reversal of the thermodynamic arrow , or even bank his winnings , because he would be trapped behind the event horizon of the black hole . )
26 ‘ Will he be able to cure her of being in love with you ? ’
27 What new developments in science would he be able to deduce from the features of my automobile and its contents ?
28 When the Minister meets those representatives — if not before — will he be able to tell them that the Government support the amendment to the Further and Higher Education Bill , which has been promoted by the National Youth Agency and the British Youth Council and backed by hon. Members from all parties ?
29 Again be aware if you have a desk , the temptation is that you using a folder here and if your is laid on the desk , what would he be able to do ?
30 In the absence of express provision to this effect , the person responsible for determining the new rent will not be able to include rent reviews , nor will he be able to fix a stepped rent ( National Westminster Bank Ltd v BSC Footwear Ltd ( 1980 ) 257 EG 277 ; Bracknell Development Corporation v Greenlees Lennards Ltd ( 1982 ) 260 EG 500 ) .
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