Example sentences of "on your face " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But many years ago , a wise old man said fall in love and you may fall flat on your face , but pick yourself up and rush towards the next one , knees bleeding , face bruised , arms open , heart on fire . ’
2 Do I need a sweet and cheeses when I can feed on your face ? thought Jay .
3 I concentrate on your face and say something back to you .
4 The whole flat , and the garden , within a very short space of time , was wired for sound and you would come in , perhaps in the middle of the night , and fall flat on your face over and leads and God knows what .
5 Nevertheless it all sounded pretty convincing , so much so that you came out wondering whether that persistent zit on your face was n't the result of bad diet , but actually something implanted by alien beings , determined for their own mysterious purposes to make you suffer the social embarrassment of a bad complexion .
6 An enthusiast points out that its real attraction is that it is fun : ‘ When you ride it you have a permanent smile on your face . ’
7 ‘ Here , ’ she said , ‘ see what you can do about that gunk on your face before we get there . ’
8 It was a place of extreme temperatures : one moment you were shivering in an icy draught from some gap in the outside wall , the next you felt the frightening heat of a furnace 's breath on your face .
9 ( Match it on your face , not the back of your hand . )
10 It 's hard to fall anywhere but on your face when the snow is reaching your thigh , and you know it wo n't hurt .
11 Glamorgan is way up on Devil 's Peak , and the sight of misty blue clouds hovering over its rocky peaks , so low that you feel that you could touch them , is so awe-inspiring that one feels all it needs is God 's voice thundering from the sky to make you fall flat on your face and worship .
12 ‘ And fall flat on your face ? ’
13 I picked that up from the look on your face .
14 ‘ When Karen broke the news of our marriage so crudely at Thomas 's party , and I saw the look on your face , I understood for the first time the force of that old cliché about wishing the floor would open up and swallow one .
15 But , when you 're feeling energetic with a smile on your face , and in love … that 's when hamburgers really taste delicious ’ Thank you MOS BURGER .
16 All he ever says when I go and see him is , why do have to wear all that stuff on your face , why ca n't you be natural ? ’
17 But if you ca n't wait that long , Yolkfolk is n't bad — you certainly wo n't end up with egg on your face if you shell out for it !
18 Eat them or mash them up and put them on your face — with their soothing properties , carrots really earn their ‘ skin-food ’ label .
19 If nothing else , young Liverpudlian guitar/bass/drums trio The Stairs will put a big cheesy grin on your face .
20 Are you reading with a frown on your face ?
21 ‘ If you look in it , you will see the nose on your face , right ? ’
22 If you can manage that , and , come out with the right answer , then there 's a pretty good chance you 'll have a smirk on your face the next time the heavens open .
23 Dance culture does n't have to be a drug culture , there are other ways of putting a smile on your face than chemical compounds , strobe lights and a relentless babble of beats .
24 It 's worth spending money on your face , especially cleansers , toners and moisturisers but as for lipsticks and eye make-up , the cheapies are just as good .
25 The skin on your face and body may seem the same but facial skin actually has more sebaceous glands to secrete natural oil and keep skin supple .
26 Flat on your face in the market place
27 It said so in the Bible , plain as the nose on your face .
28 ‘ Do n't underestimate this club , or you 'll be left with egg on your face .
29 Which SPF level do you use on your face ?
30 Not the pores on your face of course , but the thousands under your arms .
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