Example sentences of "be successfully [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The infant death rate was still high enough , especially among the poor , for parents not yet to have become complacent ; meanwhile , the promise was held out , and for the first time could be kept , that babies could be successfully reared provided that medical advice was faithfully followed .
2 Corners of the garden which are awkward and difficult to plant decoratively because of their size and soil state , could be successfully filled with a container-grown herb or herbs , even changing the display as the seasons alter .
3 Where , for example , a tenant covenants " to keep in repair the demised property and the windows , window frames , boilers and air conditioning plant " it might be successfully argued on his behalf that he is not liable to repair the doors because they were not mentioned in the catalogue .
4 Employers were supposed to give a list of their homeworkers ' addresses to local authorities , but in 1907 two investigators found that in West Ham only 520 homeworkers on a list of 1,786 could be successfully traced and concluded that the Acts ( and therefore the inspection of homework premises ) were a dead letter .
5 The plaintiffs ' next contention has been described as the proprietary argument to the effect that Mr. and Mrs. Tully are constructive trustees for the plaintiffs of the moneys claimed in the action , that a court of equity will not hesitate to protect and preserve a trust fund in interlocutory proceedings on the principle that , if the trust fund disappears , it will turn out that equity has been invoked to no purpose and that a claim for privilege can not be successfully raised against an order which permits a plaintiff to search for and to seize his own property , including property which is in the possession of the defendant .
6 The plaintiff must have had a genuine freedom of choice before the defence can be successfully raised against him .
7 Thus , the kind of obtaining by deception which amounts to larceny by a trick and involves appropriation could be successfully prosecuted under section 1 , but the old false pretences type of obtaining by deception could not .
8 Under the law of obscene libel , almost any work dealing with sexual passion could be successfully prosecuted .
10 I have known it to be successfully treated with black sulphur powder mixed with water but prevention is better than cure .
11 Fortunately some can be successfully treated or controlled by particular therapies .
12 Many common cancers can be successfully treated if detected early .
13 Fortunately the problem can be successfully treated , especially in young people , either with speech therapy or psychotherapy , depending on the extent to which anxiety is playing a part .
14 Common and can often be successfully treated
15 Peels are mostly used for limestones and calcite-cemented clastic rocks , although cherts and siliceous clastics can be successfully treated .
16 For criminologists surely ‘ can never be successfully involved at the sharp end , or pointy end , dealing with angry men on the cold , hard streets ’ ( from fieldnotes ) .
17 But there was sufficient sex feeling left over to need an outlet and this was often more than could be successfully sublimated into a mere exuberance of energy in reading or games or any other form of camp activity .
18 Iron Age storage pits , for example , have been reconstructed and tested , showing that if constructed correctly and properly sealed , grain can be successfully stored in such pits without spoiling ; another experiment shows how different methods of erecting a timber post cause differently shaped postholes .
19 For instance , large segments of DNA can be successfully cloned in place of the early region 1 genes of replication deficient adenovirus .
20 Hard hitting criticism and savage satire can generally be successfully defended as honest comment , so long as the exaggerations are not so extreme as to indicate malice .
21 No one could foresee that over the course of the next few years the steel industry would be successfully reorganized and taken into the private sector .
22 However , some of the newer camcorders apply automatic correction for backlight without the need for any button-pushing , so tilts or pans into backlight can be successfully undertaken without spoiling the shot .
23 Of course , the message will only make sense if it can be successfully decompressed when it reaches the user .
24 The emaciated guitarist balances precariously on legs thinner than a pair of whittled Swan Vestas , which is fine , because a painfully thin member is essential if the glam card is going to be successfully played .
25 But it is possible to believe that the idea of ventriloquism which lies at the heart of it may be successfully applied both to some sorts of contemporary author and to some of what went before .
26 Sociologists erroneously claim scientific method can be successfully applied to human behaviour .
27 They can be successfully applied with dip pens , with technical pens and Rotring Artpens , which can be loaded with any colour , performing with just as much fluidity as traditional inks .
28 The varnish can also be successfully applied over a solvent-based stain if required .
29 The problem is no easier with other schemes of the same kind ; accusations of chauvinism , racism , and inability to transcend the limited nineteenth-century world view can be successfully applied to them all .
30 Our findings suggest that MOPP combination chemotherapy may be successfully applied .
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