Example sentences of "be entirely [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 I suggest that voices should not be entirely dissociated from the social context in which they function and that therefore all texts in modern spoken languages should be regarded as having ‘ the implication of utterance ’ , and be referred to typical participants in some generalised context of situation .
2 God realised that this creature could not exist alongside the giant fish , LEVIATHAN , else the world would be entirely destroyed .
3 There are , indeed , impressive reasons for characterising it as such , but only the most committed proponent of this view would wish to deny that the defence effort and the scientific-technological base on which it rests can be entirely insulated from the problems we have surveyed here .
4 1 The action should be entirely isolated from other actions , significant or non-significant .
5 The ordinary naturalness of the attitude filled Franca with a thoughtless tenderness which she felt to be entirely misplaced .
6 Naturally the major proviso for such accord would be that the resources spent on the asylums be entirely redistributed within modernized health services .
7 Mr. Ieuan Wyn Jones : If any new hospitals are built in Wales , such as the East Glamorgan hospital , will the funding for those hospitals , in terms of capital costs , be entirely met by the Welsh Office or , as a result of last week 's disclosure in Construction News , are we to take it that Treasury guidelines to introduce private sector money into such building will mean that the commitment from the Welsh Office will be less ?
8 The term ’ provisional sum ’ is defined as ’ a sum provided for work or for costs which can not be entirely foreseen , defined or detailed at the time the tendering documents are issued ’ .
9 Before pursuing this theme , attention should be directed at the other issue arising from Brockway 's declaration , the abolitionist stance , which eschews efforts to improve life within prisons in favour of seeking to be entirely rid of the prison system .
10 It means a nervous dependence upon nature , a relationship with a step-parent who can never be entirely relied upon .
11 Since there is no appeal against the opinion of the Commission , these findings do appear to exhaust the scope of this particular policy-changing strategy for the time being , though given the interest shown by the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in extending the right of conscientious objection , a change in the provisions of the Convention itself can not be entirely ruled out .
12 He said : ‘ If I 'm deciding whom I want to live with for 50 years — well , that 's the last decision in which I would want my head to be entirely ruled by my heart ’ .
13 But the possibility that Kirkby Thore , also a walled town , and some 30 km ( 19 miles ) south of Carlisle , was the capital can not be entirely ruled out .
14 The most interesting example though is of a man whose name was probably Barathes ; he is described as a Palmyrene , from Syria , and also as a vexillarius , most likely a manufacturer or merchant of military standards , although the possibility that he was a standard-bearer can not be entirely ruled out .
15 Instead she suggests that the content of the formal curriculum should be entirely overhauled : ‘ for girls to become a more powerful group , they must be given some understanding of females ' past powerlessness … in other subject areas , like English literature , social studies , art , biology and — where it is taught — psychology , there is a similar need to examine what girls are learning about women 's abilities and potential , and therefore what they should ( realistically ) expect for themselves ’ ( Hannon , 1979 , p. 115 ) .
16 It follows that , contextual substitutions apart , naming symbols can never be entirely replaced by descriptive phrases , for this would mean substituting non-rigid designators for rigid ones , which might very well result in a change of truth-value of the propositions concerned .
17 The Yellow Book is currently being revised and the existing edition is due to be entirely replaced .
18 Such views about the executive search industry are relatively uncommon , yet these views should not be entirely ignored .
19 Miasms are now recognized to be both inherited and acquired ; and often a specific remedy called a nosode , which is related to the infection in question , is required before a chronic condition can be entirely cleared up .
20 The party organization , the party , machine , the party bureaucracy — these are expressions too convenient to be entirely dispensed with , and they are not always used inaccurately .
21 Although innovative schemes have made it possible to maintain at home people with disabilities that were once thought to require hospital or residential care , it is unrealistic to suggest that institutional care could be entirely dispensed with .
22 Through George Wigg I became reasonably close to Richard Crossman who consulted me on a number of occasions — I have already described the Spectator libel case — but who , I must confess , turned out to be a disappointment to me , since the reputation he had earned for more than occasional unreliability I found to be entirely justified .
23 However the former economic attache for the US Embassy in Ireland , Kenneth McGuire , said that while market factors may have been important considerations for Raybestos , the relocation factor probably can not be entirely dismissed in the Raybestos case .
24 People used to believe ( permit me this , one last one ) that once you activated the Capellan drive it could never be entirely deactivated again , not until it suffered ruin or physical destruction .
25 The widespread influence of Ribble , Bowlby and Spitz , although it was supported by new , more permissive baby books such as Benjamin Spock 's Baby and Child Care ( 1946 ) , can not be entirely explained in terms of parents ' reaction against the rigours of aseptic mothercraft .
26 I would gladly have availed myself of the opportunity of taking a passage in her myself did I not find by so doing that the party would be entirely broken up and in all probability the trip to the westward abandoned altogether .
27 We know , and they know , that if we were not on the project , in the meeting , or in any way involved , the issue of sexuality would simply be entirely glossed over .
28 Even the conservatives in the House could not be entirely depended on , for all but a few of them were no more than ‘ Hooverites ’ to use Stockman 's contemptuous label ; they were keen on budget-cutting only up to a point and were anxious that the budget should be balanced , but they had no stomach for swingeing tax cuts — the main article of the supply-side faith .
29 This important thought has been constantly at odds with the equally influential notion that we are all blank paper at birth , ready to be entirely formed by our society .
30 And even in the very last analysis , those participant accounts must not be entirely lost sight of .
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