Example sentences of "be directly [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The roots of the Bosnian mess precede the outbreak of combat there , and can be directly traced to Germany 's shortsighted insistence on recognition of Slovenia and Croatia without adequate consideration of what this might touch off .
2 When comparative efficiency is taken into account , such a degree of concentration can not be directly explained by Britain 's reliance on international trade , though its traditional international role had obviously played an important part in conditioning business horizons .
3 The contractions of the gill could also be directly quantified with a photocell .
4 A citizen could be arrested without a warrant under the Deer Act 1963 , the Town Gardens Protection Act 1863 , or the Public Stores Act 1875 for ‘ obliterating marks denoting that property in stores is HM property ’ , but he or she could not be directly apprehended for an indecent assault on a woman .
5 Thus Kafka 's novel The Trial , for example , can be read , from different positions , as ( a ) mediation by projection — an arbitrary and irrational social system is not directly described , in its own terms , but projected , in its essentials , as strange and alien ; or ( b ) mediation by the discovery of an ‘ objective correlative' — a situation and characters are composed to produce , in an objective form , the subjective or actual feelings — an inexpressible guilt — from which the original impulse to composition came ; or ( c ) mediation as a function of the fundamental social processes of consciousness , in which certain crises which can not otherwise be directly apprehended are ‘ crystallized ’ in certain direct images and forms of art — images which then illuminate a basic ( social and psychological ) condition : not just Kafka 's but a general alienation .
6 Also , what space is initially empty , and what would remain empty after stabilization of the blocks , can be directly discovered from the diagram and the imagined snapshots .
7 A section represents the smallest self-contained free-standing unit of text although subsections may be directly cited sometimes .
8 Since no one knows what the myc product is , this idea can not be directly tested .
9 However resolution of this issue will require a reconstitution of repression in vitro so that the potential role of ATF1 can be directly tested .
10 On the immediate constitutional front , corruption was attacked ; virtual representation was no longer seen as enough ; and whilst some attacked the rights of landed property in politics urging the principle that every man of means should be directly represented , some went further to attack the political privilege of all property arguing for the " rights of man " , complete equality , and a democratic republic based on the true sovereignty of all the people .
11 Clearly , such aspects of Cnut 's rule as Wulfstan found displeasing are unlikely to be directly represented in his work , and some chapters are accordingly very difficult to interpret .
12 Unlike the doctor 's authority , scientific theories of sexual difference could not be directly challenged ; rather , women found ways of circumventing or reinterpreting them .
13 Where the sediments are fine-grained the leaves form fossils of exquisite beauty , preserving even the finest veins , which can be directly compared with the leaves of their living relatives .
14 b , Transactivation by VP16-Myc N and Max103-VP16 together with Max or Myc N. VP16-Myc N and Max103-VP16 activities can not be directly compared as their relative expression levels are unknown and VP16-Myc N+Max is antagonized by Max+Max in cells ( see text ) .
15 The only published study that can be directly compared with the Gardner report is that by Mc Laughlin et al on workers at nuclear facilities in Ontario ; they found no increased risk of leukaemia in the children of fathers working in these facilities .
16 The absence of a relationship between differences on the technical dimension and work satisfaction patterns in the case of the housewife can not be directly compared with the factory worker 's situation .
17 They are also of interest in enabling the demographic profile of countries to be directly compared .
18 Another problem is that each IR or Raman band of each compound has its own characteristic intensity ; concentrations of different compounds can not be directly compared by a simple comparison of relative intensities of bands in a mixture .
19 Such confirmation can be obtained by meeting with other policy-makers , whose views and proposals for future training policies can be directly compared with their own , both on paper and face-to-face .
20 The number of phonemes correctly identified by RM1 can not be directly compared with HWIM 's figures since the phoneme lattice in HWIM essentially had a label for every phoneme in the system , given as a matrix of probability scores .
21 This can be directly defined in two ways : first , as the radical wing of English religious dissent , moving towards rationalism ; second , as a radical political grouping , concerned with parliamentary reform , the extension of education and the removal of obstacles to free intellectual inquiry .
22 I find this incredible in view of the fact that there are some 9,500 general practitioners who will be directly affected by this proposal .
23 Since the ‘ Keynesian ’ sees no reason to expect money incomes to be directly affected by the increase in the money supply , we can assume that the transactions and precautionary demands remain unchanged at first .
24 We chose to investigate in the first place the speech of those who are not very likely to be directly affected by mainstream norms , and whose speech is of the type that had been least explored by descriptive linguists — the urban working class .
25 By a notice of appeal dated 13 August 1991 the applicant appealed against that decision of the Divisional Court on the grounds , inter alia , that it had erred ( 1 ) in holding that there was no obligation on Lautro to give the applicant an opportunity to make representations prior to the issue of that notice ; ( 2 ) in asserting that there was a principle of law that a regulatory body should know with precision from whom they must invite representations ; ( 3 ) in perceiving any difficulty in identifying persons who should have been given advance notification , so as to be treated fairly , of any proposals by Lautro to issue a notice since such notification should at least be given to anyone who would be directly affected by such a notice and/or whose conduct was in issue ; ( 4 ) in regarding as apposite the remarks of Lord Diplock in Cheall v. Association of Professional Executive Clerical and Computer Staff [ 1983 ] 2 A.C. 180 , 190A since the non-application of the legal concept of natural justice to all persons effected by but not parties to a dispute was not and had never been in issue ; and ( 5 ) in failing to have regard to the absence of any rights of appeal according to the rules of Lautro in deciding whether the principle of natural justice applied .
26 The European Legislation Committee has begun to seek and to publish written evidence from specialist bodies likely to be directly affected by Commission proposals .
27 When the inquiry is set up , a number of witnesses — bodies liable to be directly affected by the measure proposed or individuals having particular expertise in the subject-matter will be invited to submit written evidence .
28 There are those whose properties would be directly affected , others who might be isolated by the floods , and others who could be affected indirectly through disruption to transport and communications .
29 The railways division of the Department of Transport wrote a letter to one of my constituents , Mr. R. H. Keynes , of Keystone crescent , whose home will be directly affected by the works .
30 Answer guide : It is important to recognize that the answer to this question will be directly affected by the decisions made in answering question three above .
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