Example sentences of "be called [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The album was going to be called NO BOLLOCKS ! , ’ laughs Cris Bonacci , ‘ but in the end we decided to call it simply Girlschool , because we realised we 'd never used the name of the band as a title before … ’
2 Ivan Klima could be called a lyric author , and the notion of what it is to be such an author is examined in My First Loves , whose gentle and deliberate stories read as if they have been grown and stored before being made public .
3 In the North , the bishops pursued the Irish catholic community 's interests in what could only be called a spirit of ‘ pillarization ’ .
4 The philosopher Mark Johnson has recently produced what can only be called a constructivist account of linguistic meaning and reasoning .
5 It is this careful attention to traditional dance rhythms which is so important to the style of both ballets , although neither can be called a character or national work ( see page 28 ) .
6 Choreographers however should avoid what can be called a purely technical analysis of the music by matching particular patterns of steps to particular musical phrases whenever they appear .
7 Choreographers today also need to understand what can be called a Grammar of Choreography if their work is to emerge as a valid stage presentation .
8 From the beginning of his career Ashton frequently used the old stereotypes but created unique dances which can be called a translation of favourite comic play into the language of ballet .
9 It is this particular way of playing which makes Ashton 's La Fille Mal Gardée what can be called a National Ballet in the same sense that both The Firebird and Petrushka can be called Russian National Ballets and Rodeo and Fall River Legend American .
10 For example : Enigma Variations could be called a character ballet because it describes ‘ the persons empictured within' by Elgar himself .
11 Robbins ’ Dances at a Gathering could be called a romantic ballet because it uses classical technique coloured by natural emotional expression .
12 If Pollard 's architecture is so disposable and flippant that it is odd to call him a ‘ patron ’ , Palumbo 's patronage is so single-minded that he can hardly be called a developer .
13 Branagh , too , talks like a winner , and Henry V offers him better than any other play in the repertoire what might be called a yuppie dynamic , a mythology of success and self-definition rather than of struggle .
14 But it 's ultimately about winning : Henry V offers Branagh , better than any other play in the repertoire , what might be called a yuppie dynamic , a mythology of success and entrepreneurial self-definition .
15 ‘ Henry V offers ( Branagh ) , better than any other play in the repertoire , what might be called a yuppie dynamic , a mythology of success and self-definition rather than of struggle …
16 HEAVY with prizes from Venice , She 's Been Away ( BBC1 ) was , superficially , one of those pieces in which a major star offers what might be called a Complex Simpleton performance .
17 In 1922 the capital of the guberniia could hardly be called a bastion of the proletariat .
18 This one is expected to be called A Vision Of The Earth .
19 If the archetypal Tory of the 1979 intake was a rent-a-quote property dealer who backed Mrs Thatcher to the death and the death penalty to the hilt , Mr Heddle can be called a sad loss to the Two Nations Tendency .
20 MYSELF and Marco Polo is a working model of a novel , a clever toy , a verbal tournament , a facetious blueprint for a possible future seriousness : it could only be called a success if its author 's aim was merely to intrigue , and I do not feel that Paul Griffiths can be that crude .
21 This used to be called a tight fiscal policy .
22 They belong to a point ( if three-and-a-half books can be called a point , for it lasts from half-way through Exodus to the end of Deuteronomy ) of great tension in the narrative .
23 None of the figures on any of the regulatory bodies was exactly a spring chicken , and none could be called a radical .
24 Not that Tiptoe could be called a child , by any stretch of the imagination .
25 There had already been a kerfuffle over the pornographic ones ; they could n't be included in the facsimile edition and yet at the same time it could hardly be called a complete edition if they were n't there .
26 Mr Beregovoy has been quoted as saying that he is not ashamed to be called a social democrat .
27 They are low , so low that they can hardly be called a threshold — more a ramp , with a sign over it begging ‘ Please , please walk up ’ .
30 The latter would be called a subjective budget and would list items in headings such as buildings , staff , rent , rates , capitation , in terms of the total spent in each category , rather than show how part of each category related to a particular programme .
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