Example sentences of "be capable [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He seemed to think she would be capable on a boat .
2 Section 33(3) requires the court to have regard to all the circumstances of the case and in particular to : ( a ) the length of , and the reasons for , the delay on the part of the plaintiff ; ( b ) the extent to which , having regard to the delay , the evidence adduced or likely to be adduced by the plaintiff or the defendant is or is likely to be less cogent than if the action had been brought within the time allowed by s11 or ( as the case may be ) by s12 ; ( c ) the conduct of the defendant after the cause of action arose , including the extent ( if any ) to which he responded to requests reasonably made by the plaintiff for information or inspection for the purpose of ascertaining facts which were or might be relevant to the plaintiff 's cause of action against the defendant ; ( d ) the duration of any disability of the plaintiff arising after the date of the accrual of the cause of action ; ( e ) the extent to which the plaintiff acted promptly and reasonably once he knew whether or not the act or omission of the defendant , to which the injury was attributable , might be capable at that time of giving rise to an action for damages ; ( f ) the steps , if any , taken by the plaintiff to obtain medical , legal or other expert advice and the nature of any such advice he may have received .
3 At the time you enter a Deed of Covenant , the covenant should be capable of lasting for more than 3 years , and there should be the intention by you that it does so .
4 This , therefore , demands that the purchaser and supplier of a system must be capable of working in partnership , and that the supplier has specialist skills in all areas of implementation of systems to assist the customer over this hurdle , ’ Mobbs says .
5 One of the conditions for ascribing to oneself experiences of a mind-independent reality , Kant argued , was that we should be capable of distinguishing between those sequences of perceptions ( if you like , ‘ representations delivered up by the input systems ’ ) which are determined by the movement of objects and those which are determined by our own movements .
6 If Les Negresses Vertes tend to jostle on the stage like animals being herded down a narrow street , it is partly because there are so many of them ( 11 , when all the strays are rounded up ) , but also because , even as the show begins , several key members appear to be too drunk to be capable of motion in a straight line .
7 There was a need , he said , to specify the maximum allowable functions that a calculator used in an exam could be capable of .
8 Subject to those two safegaurds there was no reason why the decision of an inferior tribunal with a limited jurisdiction and a strictly limited function to perform should not be capable of creating an issue estoppel .
9 It warns that the spread of vast computer data banks means it will soon be possible to identify individuals walking along a street , whether or not they have committed a crime : ‘ The new PNC2 police national computer will be capable of storing digitised photographs to which detectives will have instant access . ’
10 Under the Brabazon recommendations , the aircraft would have six to eight piston or reciprocating engines , possibly replaced by gas turbine engines if available , and a pressurized cabin , and be capable of flying 5,000 miles non-stop at 275 miles per hour .
11 What troubles the admirer of Lewis the critic — the man who had such an eye for excellence in the poets of past ages — is that he could be capable of stanza after stanza in which the verse is deadened by flat language , repeated clumsy enjambments and sheer technical incompetence .
12 Most of the friends were too old or too physically enfeebled to be capable of offering themselves for military glory .
13 ‘ Debbie could certainly be capable of working for a hairdresser in some capacity , ’ says Fergus Stewart , a lecturer at the Central Manchester College of Technology where Mrs Finni had Debbie briefly enrolled this spring after her local branch of the Amnesia Association suggested a visit .
14 You 'd like to be capable of violence …
15 They have been trying to design a new force structure that would both live within the expected budget cuts and be capable of responding effectively to all imaginable crises .
16 Thinking of all this , how could someone so alien to ideas and thought , who communicated privately in scraps and remote silences , be capable of fooling Washington politicians ?
17 It seems likely that a redefinition of the principal crimes of physical violation would cover most of these cases anyway , and the Criminal Law Revision Committee saw the need to supplement the general offences with only one special offence — administering to another , without his consent , any substance which D knows to be capable of interfering substantially with the other 's bodily functions .
18 Officially a commemoration of the Great Exhibition of 1851 , to demonstrate British achievement in arts , sciences and design , its chief impact was one of surprise that in these depressing times the government should be capable of sponsoring such a fling .
19 Who would be capable of writing my obituary without malice ?
20 Nobody would be capable of identifying the paragraph as words which were the equivalent of a man 's post-coital sadness or silence .
21 ICI 's pharmaceutical company in America is investing $24.7m ( £14m ) at its Newark , Delaware , complex to handle production of Merrem , an injectible drug said to be capable of treating sepsis and infections contracted by people taking leukaemia treatment .
22 An instrument for structural studies by using ion scattering and recoiling should be capable of varying the scattering ( θ ) , beam incident ( α ) , and crystal azimuthal ( δ ) angles — ie the angle between the primary ion beam direction and the crystallographic axes — ( see Fig. 1 ) ; generating a pulsed kiloelectronvolt ion beam of low fluence ; efficiently detecting ions and neutrals ; and operating in an ultrahigh vacuum ( 10 -10 Torr ) .
23 Many different viruses have been shown in field trials to be capable of giving very satisfactory levels of control of their host insect .
24 Kadish has managed five-electron reductions of C60 ( although theory suggests that this molecule should be capable of accepting up to six electrons into its lowest unoccupied molecular orbital ) .
25 Furthermore , Hoyle suggests that there is indeed a tension between the two approaches — that restricted professionality is unlikely in practice to be capable of extension or , put another way , that extended professionality can only be achieved at the cost of effective , restricted professionality at the classroom level .
26 Certainly , living cephalopods have a sophisticated nervous system and a relatively large ‘ brain' : octopuses seem to be capable of very rapid learning .
27 Ayer begins , then , by arguing that anyone claiming to make a factual statement must be capable of saying what observations would count towards establishing the truth or falsity of that statement .
28 The first trend is the movement within the philosophy of religion away from the Cartesian view that if God existed some proof of His existence must be capable of being set out , in the way that Descartes himself attempted to set it out .
29 This firm wrote — ‘ The land is eminently sited for a golf course as it is nicely undulating and the soil dry , and with care and attention should be capable of producing a first-class turf . ’
30 Salter told the inquiry how his ‘ bobbing duck ’ device — a duck-shaped canister which , when installed in lines out to sea , would continually extract energy from the waves — had at that time ( 1982 ) been officially estimated to be capable of producing electricity at about 5 pence per kilowatt hour ( p/kWh ) .
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