Example sentences of "with interest the " in BNC.

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1 I have been following with interest the Gardeners ' World programmes where Nigel Colborn had been designing a new garden , especially when he had been using plants for the shady corner .
2 I read with interest the article ‘ F1 changes change nothing ’ ( 13 February ) in which Harvey Postlethwaite puts forward the idea of knocking 50bhp off the output of Formula 1 engines to keep races competitive .
3 Having read with interest the saga of the Ashley Court Hotel , and now the first instalment on the Valley Hotel ( Caterer , 11–17 July ) , it strikes me that the Povahs and the Cassons should combine their marketing , accounting and food systems skills .
4 IREAD with interest the article on the introduction of information technology into the NHS ( Kicking and screaming , November 23 ) .
5 Ari watched with interest the sharp glance that Roirbak directed at her .
6 I read with interest the importance of continuing education in order to ensure full professional development of the chemist throughout his/her career .
7 I read with interest the article by W. Fritsche and the several letters under the heading Public Image of Chemistry ( Chem .
8 I await with interest the Market Research Society 's verdict .
9 I read with interest the reply to A. Aldys in the January edition of Tropical Answers .
10 As both a guitar fetishist and a hi-fi victim I read with interest the letter from Jonathan Simmonds in the June issue , since his comments about Eric Johnson 's ability to hear the difference between jack plugs reminds me of the debate in the hi-fi world a while back about whether interconnect and speaker cables made any difference to the sound of a system .
11 With my husband 's increasing involvement with homoeopathy , I viewed with interest the impressive , but off-putting , tomes which contained the gems of homoeopathic philosophy and materia medica , but had no enthusiasm for taking up yet another area of study , and particularly not one as arduous as homoeopathy .
12 I read with interest the correspondence in September 's Pilot on the military/civil air collision in Wales .
13 I read with interest the article on ‘ Crop-spraying in the Sudan ’ in September 's Pilot .
14 I have read with interest the correspondence concerning medical fees .
15 I watched with interest the UTV Counterpoint programme , 31 October 1991 , featuring Denis Faul and Mr David Trimble MP , regarding allegations of mistreatment at Castlereagh RUC centre .
16 Sir , — I read with interest the article in the December 1992 issue entitled ‘ What future for smaller firms ? ’ ( p 25 ) .
17 Sir , — I read with interest the letter in your October issue ( see p 97 ) from an accountant finding that auditors can prepare audited accounts without visiting the company 's premises .
18 Sir , — I read with interest the letter in the November issue ( p 7 ) in respect of audit standards and remote control audits .
19 On return from a recent trip abroad , I rad with interest the article headed Democracy in Action ? in the July pages of Compass .
20 I read with interest the letter from P.J. Bull , in the September issue and also those experiences of other fishkeepers who had Oscars .
21 I AM a new member of Amnesty International , and read with interest the letters of criticism ( AMNESTY June/July ) about your appeal envelope — I 'm glad that you had the courage to print such obviously justified disapproval .
22 In the June issue ( P48 ) , I read with interest the article by Geoff Nutkins — Unintentional Gift .
23 I read with interest the article in the August edition of Outdoor Action about access to the countryside for the disabled .
24 Governors will await with interest the outcome of this review and of the Secretary of State 's consideration of the issue of new or revised circulars .
25 As far as I know , there are no other examples of ex GWR design main line engines having made it along the North Wales coast , and I for one will follow with interest the happenings of February 29th 1992 .
26 Editor , — I have followed with interest the continuing debate on the future of primary care .
27 I read with interest the question regarding paper sculpture and pop-up designs .
28 Mr. Wilson : We have noted with interest the declaration from the Hon. Member for Tayside , North ( Mr. Walker ) that he will support Stagecoach everywhere except in his own backyard
29 From the far end of the social room , Superintendent Dalziel noted with interest the order of emergence from the committee meeting .
30 Besides the meetings at Mercereau 's and the Closerie , the painters began meeting regularly at Le Fauconnier 's studio in the rue Visconti as well , where during the closing months of the year they watched with interest the development through successive stages of his Abondance , a painting that all appear to have regarded as an important , revolutionary work .
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