Example sentences of "with nothing [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the classic cooking of professionals meat juice or broth goes with everything , olive oil with nothing save salads , vinaigrette and mayonnaise sauces .
2 " Concentrate on winning God 's approval , on being a workman with nothing to be ashamed of , and who knows how to use the word of truth to the best advantage . "
3 And him with nothing to his name if it were n't for my late mistress ! ’
4 Dolly also slept soundly , with nothing on her conscience and her ankle at blissful rest .
5 Like : What do you call a pig that runs around with nothing on ? — Streaky bacon !
6 Up in her booth , a puzzled DJ stares at a machine with nothing on it , shrugs and puts on a current hit to get things moving once again .
7 What the hell 's it good going with nothing on it ?
8 Mind you Neil 's not worried about parading around with nothing on , is he ?
9 I got a machine with nothing on it .
10 Could have gone any time with with nothing through his bloody arteries !
11 How can it be that here , on a north-facing cliff , with nothing between it and the North pole and situated more than 300 kilometres north of the Arctic Circle , the vegetation can look like that .
12 However there is still a section at the end of the footway and before the start of the flood bank where there are just two fences a couple of feet apart with nothing between them .
13 I should like to mention again that the recent excavations at this point removed 5–6 metres of tarmac surface and replaced this with two fences a couple of feet apart with nothing between them .
14 He wished he was big enough to forget that she was a fat young woman with nothing about her but her voice .
15 Honestly , Henry , when I think back to when I first saw Andrew Jones in that mucky room , the thin weed of a lad with nothing about him , I can not believe he 's the same person represented by Mr Andrew Jones , not only head of the showrooms , but …
16 For inexperienced pilots flying in light winds , a good general rule is to allow a maximum of 3 miles ' glide per 1,000 feet with nothing for the last 1,000 feet .
17 So we ended up with nothing for our trouble .
18 The court heard Edmunds initially took 10 per cent of the earnings but with nothing for the Sunsets .
19 But to fail at O level might mean that a child ended with nothing at all to show for his time at school .
20 Now imagine that we used a ridiculously heavy weight , so that it broke right through the canvas , leaving the dent in the stiff cloth but with nothing at its centre .
21 In the early part of 1991 , before all this occurred , I went through a period of time when my find rate dropped drastically and on many occasions I went out and came back home with nothing at all .
22 She changed the subject , just as Piers sat back down , favouring Simone with a broad smile and herself with nothing at all .
23 You could see them struggling for answers and coming up with nothing at all .
24 Erm , like if you get the money , spend it , I always spend my money on loads of shit and I end up with nothing at the end of the day .
25 As they drove north the landscape became more rugged , with hills , and great outcrops of rock which reminded Ruth of home , though the Manhattan hills were gentler , with nothing of the size of steepness or the Yorkshire fells .
26 A postscript exemplifies Miller 's independence , an attitude which ultimately caused friction with his employers : ‘ Pray take no notice to any body what I sent you , for some of our Company is for making a law that I should part with nothing without the consent of the company . ’
27 I spent the next four and a half months in Kuwait and Iraq as part of Saddam Hussein 's human shield , with nothing except my hand luggage and the clothes ( and shoes ) that I was wearing when the flight left London .
28 I sometimes think , he wrote , that if in one sense I am back in the nursery trying to make a big toy with nothing but wood and string , in another I am back in the classroom fiddling with bunsen burners while Mr Alexander walks round sniffing with his long distinguished nose in the air .
29 President Kennedy sent a telegram , Richard Nixon praised ‘ one of those who began with nothing but his own ability , and achieved greatness on just that ’ .
30 ‘ They have seen a phenomenon they believe to be smoke , and with nothing but their personal opinion to guide them , they have promptly pronounced its origins as fire . ’
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