Example sentences of "with the help " in BNC.

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1 HIV Community Nurse , Sue Lore , takes an education class with the help of patron , Cliff Patron .
2 With the help of good rigging aids such as trestles and a stand for the fuselage , it is often just possible to rig with two people .
3 ‘ If I managed to get it home with the help of a cabbie we must be able to move it between the two of us .
4 With the help of the red iron a Tramen is able to inhale the atmosphere of the planet — which would otherwise be deadly to him — and to exhale gas for export to Vascar .
5 With the help of Frederick Barnes , Warren obtained the Register of Lathes from Guildhall Library of London .
6 He is now critical of the British clockmaking industry , but hopes that with the help of a German movement , his new clock will survive longer than the original .
7 One of the many new stations opened with the help of local government finance .
8 Amongst the most important of these carefully plotted works are : de Falla 's The Three-Cornered Hat ( 1919 ) which originally accompanied a mime play and so fascinated Diaghilev that he commissioned the composer to enlarge it for Massine 's ballet ( see page 59 ) ; Vaughan William 's Job , commissioned by Diaghilev , was unused until de Valois created her important ‘ Masque for Dancing ’ ( 1931 ) ( this marked the inaugural performance of what has become The Royal Ballet ) ; Arthur Bliss ' Checkmate ( 1937 ) was choreographed by de Valois after both composer and choreographer had worked on the plot ; Prokofiev 's Romeo and Juliet was composed with the help of a Shakespearean theatre expert and has been used notably by Lavrovsky , Ashton and MacMillan ( see page 26 ) ; and Ashton provided a roughly outlined plot for Hans Werner Henze 's score for Ondine ( 1958 ) .
9 In the fourth , Man , with the help of the three soloists from the other movements , overcame the bat-like figure representing Fate .
10 Although La Sylphide and Giselle are two-act ballets with one change of scene , both Taglioni and Perrot ( the latter with the help of the writer , Saint-Georges ) divided the ballets into three distinct parts .
11 Yet oddly enough when Massine staged his Donald of the Burthens with the help of a Scottish expert to guide him through the traditional steps and figures it was not a success , possibly because too much reliance was placed .
12 Ashton , too , has made vivid use of occupational gesture from time to time as , for example , when his ‘ Swiss Miss ’ milks her cow with the help of the three boys in Façade .
13 Yet the choreography is by a Russian who studied among the Spanish peasants and worked out his design with the help of a particular peasant , a natural dancer , whose passion for dance was such that his life ended tragically when he found he was not to perform in the ballet .
14 We manage , with the help of Sylvia , her care assistant .
15 She has even given up her beloved Russian , learnt painstakingly with the help of an old Cyrillic typewriter .
16 Le Monde , France 's daily newspaper of record , has been redesigned and relaunched with the help of a Fr25m advertising campaign which proclaims : ‘ Le Monde is changing . ’
17 Pre-tax profits in the six months to end July soared 43 per cent to £19.4m , with the help of £1.3m of property sales .
18 With the help of co-operative Panamanians , it was duly seized and a provisional Panamanian government established , with an American warship in the background .
19 The HSWP 's leadership then proceeded to liquidate , with the help of Soviet tanks , the ‘ opportunists and revisionists ’ within its ranks , including Imre Nagy , the Prime Minister .
20 But despite all the careful preparation , the birth turned out to be difficult and traumatic and Sophie was finally born with the help of forceps .
21 She was reported missing by her boyfriend , Peter Hook , 25 , who discovered her body with the help of an official from Turning Point , the drugs advisory charity for which she had worked as a counsellor for three years .
22 With the help of the unattractive Jeff Daniels as an FBI agent assigned to watch her , she solves the mystery , culminating in a sub-Hitchcockian chase over Grand Central Station 's roof .
23 IN A LITTER of sleeping bags on the floor of the Gethsemane Church in East Berlin , Irene Schwidurski , who had not taken any solid food for four days , was trying to explain her reasons to a Western journalist , with the help of a pocket dictionary .
24 Despite this , VP Singh 's enemies kept the issue alive with the help of George Maclean , a former managing director of First Trust .
25 An elderly widow who was robbed , attacked , and raped by a gang of youths was moved to sheltered dwellings with the help of the police , visited by policewomen from the unit at least once a week , and taken regularly to visit the family of one of the policewomen , which adopted her as the children 's granny .
26 The Frenchman had produced a bottle of champagne and a couple of bottles of burgundy 1924 ; with the help of a my little black book of French/English , I understood that he had buried the champagne and the wine in his garden just before the Germans entered the village shortly after the collapse in 1940 .
27 The book is divided into seven chapters/days , which guide you on from novice to competent windsurfer , with the help of written explanations and step by step photos and diagrams .
28 With the help of specialilst consultants the policy and organisation has been reviewed .
29 It passed ‘ into great peace with the help of Father Horner an old and saintly monk who gave me absolution and good counsel ’ .
30 Artists who can work with their record company effectively ( often with the help of intelligent management ) probably stand more of a chance than the naive , bad-tempered or egocentric band .
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