Example sentences of "with [noun] c " in BNC.

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1 The antibody to pepsinogen A showed no cross reactivity with pepsinogen C , whereas the antibody to pepsinogen C did not cross react with pepsinogen A. Purified human pepsinogen A and pepsinogen C were coupled to 1 2 5 I by the chloramine T method and used as label in the assays .
2 Developed on S V R four with N C R. And it 's a key point that this is a combination of work which have done with N C R and the first release of Navigation Server will be available on the N C R thirty six hundred architecture .
3 Developed on S V R four with N C R. And it 's a key point that this is a combination of work which have done with N C R and the first release of Navigation Server will be available on the N C R thirty six hundred architecture .
4 Er some of the new products er you talk we talked about like Navigation Server we will be working with N C R on precisely we 'll be shipping those products .
5 A range of organisations including Age Concern , the Community Radio Association , Community Service Volunteers and the Volunteers Centre U K , are now working together with N C V O in the broadcasting consortium , which aims to maintain and develop standards of quality in broadcasting , and promote relationships between broadcasters and voluntary organisations .
6 May I say , right at the start of the planning processes , and we 'll we 'll start with N C V O's immediate needs , but we 're very aware of services that other organisation need from time to time , and it 's very interesting to hear that as a , as a new example .
7 You do n't know anything about this , but Kay has been involved with N C V O for more than ten years , she joined the Executive Committee in nineteen eighty-one , I 'm reliably informed , just before I got involved .
8 On the other hand , with T c = 0 , the underlined term in ( 8–60 ) becomes .
9 Gargling with T C P .
10 My job was er to actually open the door and then once the door was open the team would enter the flat and I together with P C , would er cover the hallways inside the flat .
11 So that er his former chauffeur joined the force , P C , he was in , he drove of course our first police car , well which he shared with P C , then when our cars got to number two , three and so on , he eventually came up , so that he retired as inspector , traffic inspector .
12 Just for everybody 's benefit it is his plan to retire in July although we have had dates before that have run er over with P C Peters Erm
13 Scurvy , the old sailor 's disease , is caused by a lack of vitamin C. Tobacco , generous amounts of alcohol and aspirin interfere with vitamin C absorption ; the Americans recommend a 60mg daily supplement for smokers or drinkers and this may be a reasonable amount to try .
14 An orange eaten on Monday will not supply you with Vitamin C until Friday .
15 Iron is more easily absorbed into the body if mixed with vitamin C ; have an orange with your meal , for example .
16 These findings indicate that prolonged supplementation with vitamin C may reduce the recurrence of adenomatous polyps .
17 The aim of this study was to assess the effect of oral supplementation with vitamin C , vitamin E , or Β -carotene on colonic crypt cell proliferation of patients with adenomatous polyps .
18 Short term supplementation with vitamin C reduces the cell proliferation to normal values possibly by reducing the S-phase duration .
19 This is a retrospective analysis and so should be interpreted with caution , but our study of one patient with vitamin C deficiency and with H pylori eradicated does lend some supporting evidence .
20 Erm , I 'll put the motion to the vote , which consists of the whole of paragraph b of the budget review sub-committee 's recommendation , with this being a recommendation to the county council , and with paragraphs c , d and e from the original agenda paper .
21 That 's proved to be quite difficult because the firm as a whole is trying it out but it for example with M C S it can be related to a particular task , to a particular erm assignment , so it 's assignment related .
22 Helicobacter organisms were identified in all but two patients with type B gastritis and in two patients with type C gastritis .
23 In patients taking NSAIDs those with type C ( chemical ) gastritis synthesised LTD 4 concentrations of 2.2 ( 0.4–3.0 ) pg/mg , significantly higher than 0.6 ( 0.0–0.9 ) pg/mg in patients with a normal mucosa ( p<0.008 ) .
24 By contrast there were no significant differences in synthesis of LTC 4 in NSAID users between those with type C gastritis ( 2.3 ( 1.5–3.0 ) pg/mg ) compared with those with normal mucosa ( 1.8 ( 1.2–2.8 ) pg/mg ) although enhanced synthesis in those with type B gastritis ( 3.2 ( 1.5–4.0 ) pg/ mg ) reflected the higher concentrations seen in patients colonised with Helicobacter pylori ( p<0.02 ) .
25 Again there was a dissociation between LTB 4 and LTC 4 with significant increases in LTB 4 being particularly associated with type C gastritis and increases in LTC 4 with type B gastritis associated with Helicobacter pylori .
26 In conclusion , we have shown that enhanced in vitro synthesis of LTB 4 by human gastric mucosa occurs with NSAID use and is strongly associated with type C gastritis .
27 Helicobacter pylori organisms were identified in all but two patients with type B gastritis and in two patients with type C gastritis .
28 This was significantly higher than the median 11.4 ( 7.8–15.4 ) pg/mg in patients with normal mucosa ( p<0.001 ) and the median 13.1 ( 5.9–25.0 ) pg/ mg in patients with type C ( chemical ) gastritis ( p=0.012 ) and not significantly different from the value from patients not taking NSAIDs who had gastritis .
29 The increase in PGE 2 associated with Helicobacter pylori seems likely to be a consequence of the associated inflammatory cell infiltrate as it was seen in patients with type B ( chronic active ) but not with type C ( chemical ) gastritis , which is characterised by a paucity of inflammatory cells .
30 Indeed , it remains a possibility that the mosaics of Gaul influenced the development of pavements in Britain : this is even more applicable to the pavements with type C and B arrangements than it is to the Orpheus mosaics and their associated geometric panels .
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