Example sentences of "you probably [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Well you probably lose a bit , it 's not sticking properly to the wall .
2 It sounds like it was bought new , so you probably got a guarantee with it from the manufacturer .
3 You probably got some of the others , but it 's the red and amber that causes the problems is n't it ?
4 you probably got them from the same place .
5 " You probably came about something , and here I never even asked what it is !
6 Go back to the west coast where you probably came from and join the other vagrants there .
7 ‘ You were limping as you came across Ana 's room and I would think you probably came off worst in this adventure . ’
8 In his head you probably went straight from one to the other .
9 If you favoured sweating it out , you sat around on tiered benches and chatted with your friends until you started dissolving into steam , and then got yourself scraped down by a slave with a sort of sickle thing called a strigil , and massaged , and oiled and perfumed , or if you were a real fanatic you probably went straight from the hot room to take a cold plunge , like sauna addicts rolling in the snow .
10 You 'll be alright — you probably went to the same school .
11 Some of the things that you probably went through when you padlocked together .
12 You probably said it at the end of the 1960s . ’
13 You probably had the physiotherapy and the
14 You probably had one like that , I 've got about twenty in the c drawer at home .
15 Er just a points er I think it it you probably had this point clear in your mind anyway but there are different rules that apply as between West Yorkshire and Cleveland .
16 If you attended the lunchtime fringe meeting on shops you probably had even more food for thought .
17 You probably had a migraine .
18 And you probably had it at the time .
19 You probably deserved it . ’
20 You probably acquired yours with a beta test copy of Windows .
21 Which you probably know .
22 You probably know that the person who introduced Patrick to this woman was the head of the Communist Party in Ireland . ’
23 Ah , you probably know more about this than just about anybody outside government .
24 Herr Hamnett was an Englishman , as you probably know ; he spoke perfect German , but with the accents of the north .
25 As you probably know , Herr Sanders is a gentleman of advanced years , inclined to be a little vague .
26 Well , our Derek was exploring one day at the base of the hill where , as you probably know , there are a few shallow caves .
27 For instance you probably know that Christians believe that Jesus came alive again after being dead and buried for three days .
28 You probably know instinctively if those whom you meet are genuinely interested or if they are inquisitive , curious , trying to manipulate or probe .
29 You probably know some of the lines already : ‘ … and ice mast high , came floating by , as green as emerald ’ .
30 As you probably know , Eddi turned up in the TV series Your Cheatin' Heart , not so long back , doing her joint vocal and thespian thing .
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