Example sentences of "you can put " in BNC.

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1 For example , you can put down hoops or ball cans in certain areas of the court and use them as targets .
2 The answer is simple : you can put it right in your next monthly payment , or when you pay any balance due at the end of the year .
3 I hastily dress , but there is limit to how fast you can put on two or three layers of clothes .
4 In some museums , like the Museum of London , and those in Bradford and Birmingham , you can put on your own show ; in Chester you can put on theatre make-up .
5 In some museums , like the Museum of London , and those in Bradford and Birmingham , you can put on your own show ; in Chester you can put on theatre make-up .
6 You can put it in there , ’ she said , pointing to the sitting-room .
7 You can put down that I 'm here under duress because your friend , Dr Kingsley , forced me to it .
8 You can put the mustard on , ’ said Mr Hawksworth putting an economy size container in front of me .
9 Should you be tempted by Lot 160 : ‘ Titanic , a brass lettered railway-style nameplate — £300/350 ’ , then you can put it on your mantelpiece , not the bank vault .
10 Where a wider space is available beside the house , you can put up a wider , detached garage , perhaps sited with one wall on the boundary of your property , to leave a pathway between it and the house .
11 You can put down the concrete base and build the kit garage yourself ; lay the base but let the garage manufacturer build it ; or leave everything to him .
12 You can put your clothes on the other chair , ’ she said , and went over to the cavity bed .
13 You can put your finger through the bark and into the flesh of a huge fallen tree after four months .
14 You can put your finger through the bark and into the flesh of a huge fallen tree after four months .
15 So occasionally , you can put your feet up instead of training on a wet and windy night and not feel guilty about it .
16 Once you feel confident that you know what to do and why it should be done , you can put your knowledge to the test , choosing the time and place most suited to your own circumstances .
17 Once it 's down in black and white , you know you ca n't forget it so you can put it out of your mind until the next day .
18 If you know why then you can put this little one to bed .
19 If you can not afford to invest the maximum allowed each year or would rather make regular monthly savings than invest in lump sums , you can put by as little as £10 per month .
20 You can put it into fast-breeder reactors — the US has few of these — or you can convert it into isotopes for medical uses .
21 When you can put bums on seats , then you can come and tell me what flights you want to travel on .
22 Assessors will be looking to see how you cooperate with others and whether or not you can put the overall benefit of your own side before individual glory .
23 Yes , you can put them in bags and carry them out to the bin .
24 Not that it 'd need to — Grandmaster Chess might be showing its age a bit , but if you can put up with its idiosyncrasies it 's a bargain at £1.99 , especially with Renaissance Othello thrown in for good measure .
25 ‘ In my system you can plug in four or five amps at once , without losing any gain , without gaining any hum ; you can put them all on parallel and they will all be in phase .
26 Through the AC30 I found it possible to find some pretty convincing old Phantom sounds , ramming home to me the fact that if you can put up with the tuning hassles , a 12-string is still one of the best guitars to use for rhythm .
27 You can put them at ease .
28 And it makes you more money — which you can put away toward the day when you wo n't be in such demand ! ’
29 I wonder if you can put a letter into your ‘ Help Line ’ section for me .
30 I daresay you can put in a little more shock as well as grief — it is very interesting , and not often done enough … .
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