Example sentences of "you [adv] believe " in BNC.

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1 so I mean if , if they caught one , they actually took a photo , managed to take a photo out of all those hundreds of people , look how many more were , were there , and it just seems like basically their not sure who fired first , obviously the Irish say it was the British them and the British say they were fired upon first and erm , on , on the strength of it , who , who would you rather believe I mean , somebody that 's been living in Ireland for twenty odd yea twenty years now with all that happening around him being able to be got at by the I R A or a British body who may , may be up on a murder trial , you know , the , at the end of the day its six of one and half a dozen of the other , they 've both got stuffed by a bleeding troop
2 You obviously believe that the dealers play an important part in determining the short list .
3 And you obviously believe in the system ?
4 ‘ Do you perhaps believe a man is more susceptible to persuasion when he 's lying in bed naked in the middle of the night ? ’
5 What do you personally believe ?
6 You better believe it . ’
7 A fleece jacket for £25 — you better believe it .
8 They say we are the turkeys but you better believe , We 'll be doing all the stuffing , In the Mid-Counties Combination League .
9 You better believe it . ’
10 You better believe it .
11 Can you fucking believe it ? ?
12 ‘ The fact is , you just believe whatever he says .
13 You can get cranks , you just believe in flying saucers and a quite happy harmless , but , I think they need checking on to make sure that they are happy with the life they 're leading it bothers me a lot
14 You finally believe it , do n't you ? ’
15 Having seen all this do you still believe in God ? ’
16 Do you still believe that ?
17 ‘ Do you still believe in God ? ’
18 Do you still believe anybody in that place ?
19 ‘ Do you still believe that , Shannon ? ’
20 I 'm glad you still believe in them . "
21 You still believe in all that ? ’
22 K aq is false because in the nearest group of worlds in which q is false ( you are in bed dreaming etc. ) you still believe that q is true .
23 ‘ I 'm surprised to learn that you still believe me to be in possession of my cherry , or however you 'd phrase it .
24 ‘ Even now you still believe your body to be so irresistible that I must be hungering for it ? ’
25 You still believe that 's all I want from you ? ’
26 You still believe it was just one man ? ’
27 You still believe I rejected you the first time , do n't you ? ’
28 You wo n't lie , so you still believe it !
29 ‘ Not the helpless drug addict you once believed me to be ? ’
30 But when — suddenly — for no apparent reason your twin rejects the offer of marriage from the man you always believed she loved , and whom you always loved yourself ; when she turns round and says you can marry him yourself if you feel that strongly about him … suddenly your world is upside down .
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