Example sentences of "you [verb] exactly " in BNC.

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1 Matilda said quietly , ‘ Dad , you made exactly four thousand three hundred and three pounds and fifty pence altogether . ’
2 You remain exactly the same " .
3 ‘ I think you want exactly the same things she does , but you hide behind the pillars of your ice palace , pretending to be so unapproachable .
4 They expect you to know exactly how many there are , even the exact number of barn owls in the British Isles , right down to the last check .
5 The four principal strings are tensioned by full-sized Schaller machines and , though each pair of accompanying drones are identical in gauge , each is assigned a different-sized machine key to let you know exactly which one is being adjusted .
6 The advantage of budgeting is that not only do you know exactly where you stand — or perhaps stagger ? — today , but that you can make sensible judgements about , for , how much more saving you can undertake , or whether you can afford to increase your borrowing still further .
7 So we can , we can you know exactly when a local councillor 's term of office is up because it 's fixed for four years .
8 Do you a do you know exactly what it 's going to cost you ?
9 Do you know exactly where it is ? rewind on there .
10 Do you know exactly ?
11 ‘ Can you describe exactly where they 're kept in relation to here , Lieutenant ? ’
12 But once you got well into the business of the removal , y one forgets , you see , and you forget exactly what you 're carrying or what it appears to be that you 're carrying .
13 When you first came in , I would have said you were small , but when you stood beside Terry you seemed exactly the same height , and she 's five feet six .
14 Would that not cause er security problems if you put exactly what was on the box .
15 You look exactly like one . ’
16 You look exactly like him !
17 You look exactly how you should , darling .
18 ‘ Belinda , love , can you remember exactly how you are , and go and get your brush and brush your hair round so that it lies spread out on the chair ? ’ she said .
19 You sound exactly like Lady Lavinia .
20 you know exactly which brand you want , you go right to it without dithering around
21 ‘ I 've often watched you in the past and wondered how you know exactly the right time to enter the bidding , the right time to leave , ’ Moran praised .
22 With ActionAid you know exactly where your money goes and the good it is doing . ’
23 That bit about her son and her principles — you know exactly how she feels .
24 The fact you know exactly where your pet is can ease your grief , while the sight of the grave serves to reinforce the fact that your pet is dead .
25 Make sure you know exactly which of the starts you are supposed to be at , and when .
26 This is gradually learned so that , for instance , you know exactly when to gybe in choppy water to take advantage of the waves .
27 Before you begin , make sure you know exactly what you want done and consider taking professional advice from an architect or surveyor — a little money spent at this stage could save you a lot later on ;
28 The fixed interest rate means you know exactly your commitment each month , which saves problems with forecasting your cashflow .
29 With an unsecured Home Improvement Loan you can borrow between £500 and £7,500 at a fixed interest rate over a flexible period , so you know exactly how much you 'll be paying each month .
30 Make sure you know exactly what to do in the way of first aid and that you can summon medical or other help as quickly as possible should it be needed .
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