Example sentences of "that he started " in BNC.

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1 As before , Thomson , who has also put out calls for biographical material on other subjects , including S G Brown , signs himself a Member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers , helping establish credibility with editors unaware of the fact that he started collecting original papers in 1972 .
2 What happened was that he started doing his English Ziggy Stardust dates in early ‘ 72 and he worked without stopping until the summer of ‘ 73 when he did his Hammersmith Odeon concert and retired from the stage .
3 She seemed so sanguine that he started to enjoy his leave and they all three went off to see Mona in Jermyn Street , who greeted them with her usual generous hospitality , very little of which was at her or their expense , but who had not seen Charles since his transformation from 2nd Lieutenant to Guardsman .
4 If he did see it he must have begun worrying , and maybe it was then that he started feeling sick .
5 The artist became so angry that he started to slash the canvas .
6 Considering that he started his adult life as a wine and spirits salesman , he had certainly learnt the art of showmanship : whatever the fluctuating state of the theatre , he always managed to pay an enormous wage bill for his large casts .
7 It was over the next few years that he started to produce his finest work .
8 It was probably at some time during that same period when the dawning need to rely on a ‘ god ‘ first disturbed the developing human being , that he started to enjoy pleasures which were not the result of simply satisfying the desires associated with his physical evolution .
9 ‘ In those days it was a pound made , a pound spent , ’ says Philip , whose proud boast is that he started off without any outside financial backing .
10 FIREMAN Richard Pearson loved putting out fires so much that he started 11 of them himself , a court heard yesterday .
11 It was about this time that he started telling Lewis Wyvis Hall would be his one day .
12 It was only when his drunken behaviour led to blows that he started to reform .
13 It 's hard to believe that he started painting in World War Two and is still painting today .
14 It was n't until the weekend that he started to pine for some entertainment other than the sight of himself in the bathroom mirror .
15 It was also while Murdock was living in Redruth that he started his experiments with coal gas .
16 It was not until 1933 that he started driving .
17 It was about this time that he started to court Sylvestre , and in the year 1583 she agreed to marry him .
18 In the case of Molla Sayyid Muhammad al-Nakib ( Yavuz Celebi ) , on the other hand , Ata'i merely notes that he started off his career as a kasabat kadi , then turned to the medrese system in which he was given a 40-akce medrese and subsequently worked his way up to the Suleymaniye Darulhadis — probably by this time the premier medrese in the empire to which he was appointed in 1012/1604 : he later became kadi of Eyup and then nakibulesraf .
19 Is it not time that he started backing the British car industry in the way that the Germans support theirs ?
20 Before the right hon. and learned Gentleman gets too carried away , does he accept that he started the TECs with a cut in funding ?
21 It was while in the Forth that he started an excursion run between Boness & Leith at a single fare of 7/6d. ( 35½p ) .
22 The effects of the Orton-Halliwell lifestyle became so infectious to Ken that he started breaking habits of a lifetime .
23 So intrigued did Charlie become by these seemingly endless selling opportunities that he started to take a tram up to the West End on a Sunday morning just to see for himself .
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