Example sentences of "this sense the " in BNC.

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1 In this sense the Liberal divisions during and after the war , and the ending of the progressive Alliance , provided the political space for a new Salisbury-style strategy .
2 In this sense the very high ‘ yes ’ votes he achieved in the four presidential elections since independence have been genuine , but should not be mistaken for support for specific policies , and still less for support for other leaders at either the local or national level .
3 In this sense the present conflict is going to underscore the greatest danger of any strategy that implies a substitution of firepower for manpower — the risk that the demobilisation day will arrive but the new weapons will not : weapons like the new multiple-launch rocket system that the British army was originally scheduled to start receiving in 1984 .
4 Both the Germans and the French claim him as a hero , and in this sense the Emperor becomes more than a mortal ruler .
5 In this sense the scene is clearly one of hazard problems looking for improved GIS rather than for GIS looking for good problems , as is all too often the case .
6 In this sense the territory size of predators is irrelevant to palaeoecological reconstruction because it merely reflects resource dispersal and not resource richness .
7 These changes can be viewed as one aspect of a potentially liberating move towards an increased role for the market and in this sense the reform of local government may be understood as a part of a wider restructuring of the state to achieve the same ends .
8 In this sense the reference to ‘ trade ’ in Articles 85 and 86 is misleading and all economic activities including the supply of goods or services ( including financial services ) , broadcasting or communications generally , the exercise of intellectual property rights , or the carrying on of any other trade or profession are encompassed by the competition rules .
9 The ‘ paths that seldom mortal goes ’ may recall fleetingly the ‘ hidden paths ’ of the hobbits ' walking-song , and its similar oscillation between adventure and homesickness ; in this sense the two stylistically quite different poems relate to each other like elvish assonances , hinting at a pattern but stressing change as much as identity .
10 In this sense the Australian compulsory arbitration system , although a form of statutory regulation , may also be regarded as part of a collective bargaining system ( Clegg , 1976 ) .
11 In this sense the world would be a better place without mental retardation , madness , and senile dementia .
12 In this sense the committee chairman who attempts to hide behind the lack of a definition of pain will , to be consistent , need to be sceptical of the noisy contortions of a cow or sheep crushed by a tractor .
13 So in this sense the approach is a pragmatic one , which bears on the here and now rather than on eternity.i At the same time , to formulate the problem in terms of interests , as I have done , is to focus attention on the moral priorities embedded in holism and individualism .
14 In this sense the contingencies of space and time , as it were , issue blank cheques .
15 In this sense the elements of a people 's ‘ real ’ universe can be ‘ turned upside down ’ as easily as those of its linguistic universe , since their apprehension of both stem from the same fundamental principles of thought and meaning construction .
16 In this sense the claims for literacy can be described as ‘ ideological ’ .
17 In this sense the picture of the housewife which emerges in the present study not only bears on an understanding of the situation of women in society today ; it also illuminates one face of urban family life .
18 In this sense the particular manipulation of reality found in the adventure story , at least until the past two or three decades , has been away from the practicalities of extended cohabitation , whether in or out of marriage .
19 In this sense the term may still be used in debates about the care of those who are mentally ill or handicapped .
20 In this sense the conferring of an enlarged degree of operational freedom on a professionally directed body need not mean any diminution of true public accountability .
21 In this sense the members are not prevented from changing the scope of authority of the executive staff , but to do this they would be acting collectively qua ITC not as individual members .
22 In this sense the water authorities create pollution , as Becker might say ( 1963:9 ) , by making the rules whose infraction constitutes pollution .
23 In this sense the policy represents the essence of consumerism .
24 In this sense the growing dissolution of the category is also part of the collapse of older certainties and polarities of the British left and the emergence of concerns around socialist pluralism ( Rust in , 1985 ; Keane , 1988 ) .
25 Companies have in this sense the power to shape the ‘ structure of opportunities ’ available in society .
26 In either case , the order does not affect the amount of searching to be done and in this sense the file is serial , although it will probably be in sequential order with respect to the major key .
27 In one view , the ‘ imaginary war ’ must continue , substituting new adversaries for the cold war enemy and in this sense the Gulf war would be compared to the Korean war — as the conflict which defines the new world order .
28 In this sense the increase in judicial review over whether the evidence warrants the application of a certain statutory condition is itself a correlative of the widening of the concept of jurisdiction .
29 In this sense the privileges and goods that pupils can ‘ purchase ’ with the points they earn provide for an effective degree of control .
30 In this sense the neutralisation of a distinct country or region would be intended to lead to its withdrawal from the contest of interests between the Great Powers , at least in the military sphere , and would require assurances or guarantees from these powers to this effect .
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