Example sentences of "this [is] almost " in BNC.

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1 But this is almost certainly an illusion : as she becomes surer of her hold on the affections of her poet , so she becomes surer of herself , can dispense with affectations , and dares to speak with a certain authority about compositions that her lover sends to her — animadversions that the poet in turn receives quite humbly .
2 This is almost certainly not the case and does Canberra a grave disservice , though it does illustrate one of the problems behind the fixture .
3 Cor , he said , this is almost like being an art student again .
4 As there is a trio of high and narrow lights in each main gable , the problem of reconciling this glazing with the added upper floor was less critical than in a case where large windows , surmounted by pointed arches , occupy the gables — this is almost a standard feature of Victorian village schools .
5 Market research shows at least 3,500 practices plan to computerise in the next 12 months , and this is almost certainly a conservative figure .
6 This is almost certainly because the decision to send them in during the later stages of the accident was political ( western-made robots might have been used instead , had the new Soviet leader , one Mikhail Gorbachev , been willing to let the West learn the extent of the disaster ) .
7 There have been 680 reported cases of AIDS in South Africa , but this is almost certainly an underestimate .
8 This is almost as much fun as going diving and is the ability to interface the Solution with a desk top computer and record , organise and recall all normal logbook information and also any dive profiles from the Solution 's internal memory .
9 Since this is almost as great as the differences these authors found between the three species ( tawny owls — 51 per cent bone loss ; long-eared owls — 46 per cent ; and barn owls — 34 per cent ) , some consideration must be given to this problem .
10 But this is almost certainly the result of systematic observation in Chichester Harbour .
11 This is almost the same size as a conventional audio cassette .
12 This is almost twice the size of the only other ultraviolet telescope now in orbit , the International Ultraviolet Explorer , a joint American-European-British satellite .
13 According to Craig and Chou , it is already contributing 0.23°C to mean global temperatures through the greenhouse effect , and this is almost 40 per cent of the possible ( but not yet confirmed ) effect of carbon dioxide today .
14 The answer to this is almost certainly ‘ Yes it would ’ , for humans are well aware that those who have guilty secrets , rarely enjoy true peace of mind .
15 This is almost obligatory , because it takes a bit of practise before you become dexterous enough to become adept with the net and experienced enough to discover the hiding places of the various fish and other interesting creatures .
16 If you do n't have any , then this is almost certainly the reason for your breeding failure .
17 This is almost the end of Week 1 and you have nearly done it .
18 I told her : ‘ This is almost my favourite kind [ of book ] — when someone goes to a decaying country house , and finds a lot of odd people in it .
19 This is almost always caused by bad wound management .
20 But this is almost the reverse of the case .
21 This is almost the same as the average poll tax bill of £564 .
22 However , this is almost certainly not true of disorders like schizophrenia , which are better visualised as aberrations of otherwise normal physiological and psychological processes which for some reason pass beyond their usual adaptive limits ; here the term ‘ dysfunction ’ , rather than disease seems more appropriate .
23 As we will argue later , this is almost certainly what happens in most BSL interpreting and the message produced will be , at best , ambiguous .
24 It is said that they learn to ride before they learn to walk , and this is almost true .
25 But this is almost impossible to do , even by recourse to highly contrived situations not encountered in the wild .
26 Although this is almost five times the proportion of non-handicapped who were unemployed , the figures also show that almost half of ‘ handicapped ’ 18 year olds were in employment , even if most of the jobs were repetitive , unrewarding and insecure .
27 The first evidence for this is almost 20 years old .
28 This is almost to concede , if it does not in fact do so , that a board deriving its authority from two opposed sources can not constitute a corporate body such as decision-taking requires .
29 If you get a sudden whiff of musk as you walk along a path in the early morning , this is almost certainly fox and not badger , which is rarely powerful enough to hang in the air .
30 This is almost certainly due in part to an ambiguity inherent in the role itself .
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