Example sentences of "are still relatively " in BNC.

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1 Some are designated as threatened or endangered in the I.U.C.N. 's ( International Union for the Conservation of Nature ) Red Data Books ; others , are still relatively numerous in the wild , but offer an educational encounter of value .
2 Their cells are far more complex than those of viruses , but they are still relatively simple .
3 In the industrial sector , for example , in textiles , there are still relatively few women on the shop-floor .
4 There was an increased awareness of the need for education at all levels , rising levels of literacy — though they are still relatively low - and , while the economy was expanding , a demand for skills .
5 While the absolute numbers reaching this level are still relatively small , the rapid growth in secondary school enrolments does reflect the relative expansion in the availability of skilled and semi-skilled jobs , especially in urban areas , which has already been referred to .
6 They are still relatively cheap and more readily available , even though with the destruction of forest and pasture lands many traditional building materials based on plants are already scarce .
7 There are similarities between the Thirties and what is happening now but they are still relatively thin .
8 ‘ Good senior taxation staff are still relatively hard to come by . ’
9 ‘ While at present returns are not as high as a year ago , they are still relatively attractive . ’
10 At the present time , although certain services , such as those of the family practitioner , are used quite widely by old people over 75 , the personal social services are still relatively little used .
11 Cigarettes are still relatively easy to obtain by young people , and current arrangements for enforcing legislation to restrict sales are largely ineffective .
12 Although much of this aggression has now been bred out of the fish , they are still relatively ‘ boisterous ’ , and have few qualms about eating fish smaller than themselves .
13 As a group , today 's old people are still relatively deprived in our society and this must be seen as a major failure in social security policies .
14 Thereafter cooler waters overlie warmer , and the surface freezes while bottom waters are still relatively warm .
15 The experience of the first two calls shows that , with one noticeable exception , the two sides are still relatively far apart , and that the success of the initiative is likely to depend on a considerably increased effort devoted to co-ordination , workshops , and other bridge-building methods .
16 Successive governments have resettled Bengali plainspeople in the Hill Tracts , reasoning that while the country as a whole is desperately overpopulated ( averaging 2,000 people per square mile ) the hills are still relatively empty ( only 20 people per square mile ) .
17 So long as the eddies are still relatively small compared with the length scale of the mean flow ( e.g. wake width ) , their features are adequately described by the considerations of Section 19.3 .
18 People spend now while prices are still relatively low .
19 And although the police say that crimes against motorists are still relatively rare , all drivers should be on their guard .
20 It does seem to me that there are still relatively few women who become professional scientists , and today I hope that you two ladies will help me explore perhaps some of the reasons why this is the case .
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