Example sentences of "are conscious of " in BNC.

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1 Outcomes are uncertain , games of chance can be rigged — but this is not what we are conscious of in reading about Ursula .
2 We are conscious of what Zuckerman does for Roth : when he helps a man to gather his spilt heart pills , it is Roth helping himself by assigning a small mercy .
3 I think most actors are conscious of the need to keep in training .
4 Indeed , it is a common observation in experiments of this kind that subjects themselves often express confusion about what they are conscious of .
5 But at the same time the vast majority of the people find themselves to be a single nation and are conscious of resembling one another more than they resemble foreigners .
6 However , he went on to warn against complacency , as although most large companies are conscious of their health and safety responsibilities , an increase in the number of small companies and contractors may cause a corresponding increase in accident figures .
7 ‘ It is they who are most exploited and they are conscious of this .
8 All schools market themselves whether they are conscious of it or not .
9 We call it will power , and are conscious of it within ourselves .
10 Although we acknowledge that the National Curriculum is presented in a conservative context , and probably has to be couched in conventional terms , we are conscious of its lack of a ‘ qualitative thrust ’ , its inability to cater for all we want to offer all our students .
11 But while the public library is fulfilling this immediate need , they are conscious of the long-term information needs of schoolchildren who will eventually require public library services as adults , and are conscious of the necessity of promoting the public library as a resource in its own right .
12 But while the public library is fulfilling this immediate need , they are conscious of the long-term information needs of schoolchildren who will eventually require public library services as adults , and are conscious of the necessity of promoting the public library as a resource in its own right .
13 Only students of history are conscious of the fact that the Covenanting times lasted for over half a century and that before the end of the period some of the skirmishes were between factions , supposedly on the same side in the conflict .
14 This is also communication , and it affects others , too , automatically , whether we or they are conscious of it or not .
15 The community-centre members are conscious of the need for good relationships with their neighbours , and have bent over backwards to accommodate Muriel .
16 So , ‘ the distinctive feature of Christian piety lies in the fact that whatever alienation from God there is in the phases of our experience , we are conscious of it as an action originating in ourselves , which we call Sin ; but whatever fellowship with God there is , we are conscious of it as resting upon a communication from the Redeemer , which we call Grace ’ .
17 So , ‘ the distinctive feature of Christian piety lies in the fact that whatever alienation from God there is in the phases of our experience , we are conscious of it as an action originating in ourselves , which we call Sin ; but whatever fellowship with God there is , we are conscious of it as resting upon a communication from the Redeemer , which we call Grace ’ .
18 The last view is suggested by his claims that we are conscious of some memories ( those brought to INTROSPECTION in the ‘ control box ’ for example ) and some of the commands to say things ( as in deliberately saying something , as distinct from finding ourselves saying it ) , which would be messages from the ‘ control box ’ to PR ( the ‘ public relations box ’ , by analogy with the White House public relations chief , who is simply handed a piece of paper telling him what to say , but not to think about ) .
19 Whatever the heady consequences of that ( and they have classically been found contradictory ) , Sloman 's explication does not tackle the question of why it is we are conscious of certain things at some times but not at others .
20 Most groups say that their patients are not conscious of the stimuli but some have reported that their patients are conscious of them ( Barbur et al.
21 When Benedick mocks love he does so in prose , naturally enough ( Much Ado , II.iii.6–36 ) , but as he overhears Don Pedro , Claudio , and Balthasar in verse , beginning the plot against him , we are conscious of the gap between mockery and romance .
22 Hegel , however , argues that we can not be fully aware of ourselves , as selves , unless we are conscious of other people .
23 Latin American lawyers are conscious of a strong regional tradition in private international law .
24 We are vulnerable , like everyone else , to prejudice , and are conscious of how much havoc bigotry , the excesses of blind faith , and the tyranny which often accompanies it , can inflict on the world .
25 Most builders are conscious of the value of old fireplaces , bricks , chimney pots and doors that are in reasonably good condition .
26 Meanwhile , one would exhort those workers who are conscious of the problems for their residents and would help them if they could to do their best — within the law and within the limits of their own conscience — to mend the situation in their own particular place of work if mending is needed there .
27 Ultimately it has to be asked whether able-bodied professionals , notwithstanding their good intentions , prepare young disabled people for life as disabled adults who are conscious of their identity as disabled people and of the struggle for full participative citizenship within our society .
28 You will not be at ease speaking in court if you are conscious of defects in this respect .
29 The tendency for prescriptive ideologies to inhibit and distort responses in situations where informants are conscious of a competing set of standard norms became evident when Labov pressed his questions with people who had been heard using the construction in conversation .
30 Father God , We are conscious of many tensions within our own society , particularly at this time of recession and high unemployment .
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