Example sentences of "are reduced to " in BNC.

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1 The word ‘ involuntary ’ is therefore used merely to distinguish these killings from ones which have the necessary intent for murder but which are reduced to manslaughter by one of the doctrines just considered , such as provocation or diminished responsibility .
2 Ordinary soldiers , who are paid only 25 marks a month , are reduced to begging and rummaging through rubbish tips .
3 thirty oaks a year for housebote , without reckoning the small underwood for hedgebote ; and now by the command of Robert de Clifford ( the Justice of the Forest north of Trent ) they are reduced to sometimes ten or fifteen oaks a year .
4 The rock garden is dismantled , beds filled in , and borders are reduced to ragged strips struggling for survival along the boundary fence .
5 Ribs of beef at the supermarket are reduced to £1.88 a lb .
6 The initiative clearly lies elsewhere , effectively in managerial levels outside schools ; and teachers are reduced to a reactive or defensive position and should not be surprised to feel alternately frustration and cynicism about the whole process .
7 When such monuments are reduced to ruins the surviving remains may appear a meaningless mixture of motifs borrowed from too many sources .
8 In the modern world , we are reduced to an idealized figment of the communist imagination or we fall into secular despair , but we can not be exalted as a personal being , uniquely loved for our own sake .
9 Consequently , it is suggested that land cultivation grants in the LFA remain withdrawn and that drainage grants are reduced to 30% under both AHDS and AHGS schemes in the LFA except in the proposed Marginal Zone ( the least handicapped Article 3(4) LFA land ) where it is recommended that they revert to the level obtaining outside the LFA ( 22 ½%),; reflecting the increased financial benefit likely to accrue from drainage schemes on such lower elevation , least handicapped land .
10 Start-up and shut-down are reduced to a single button operation and full diagnostic status information is provided .
11 In an age when totems and taboos are reduced to being another manifestation of Freudian symbols , where stands the homosexual ?
12 But eventually the French are reduced to a small band , and Roland realizes that he did wrong to send his faithful followers to death by his proud refusal to blow the oliphant .
13 In its hey-day Snaith had twelve pubs and four tailors , and although there is no tailor and the pubs are reduced to five , it is still a busy little shopping centre .
14 Cover and simmer until the berries have ‘ popped ’ and are reduced to a juicy pulp — you may need to add a couple of tablespoons of water .
15 The operations of the mind which he describes are reduced to two fairly simple activities .
16 When the swing is from co-operation to conflict , the modification of one 's ends by reaction from another 's viewpoint will tend towards hate , revenge or cruelty rather than love , gratitude or pity ; by an effort to see from his viewpoint one can resist the tendency , but at the extreme point of escalation one 's ends narrow to the survival of self or kin , and the other and his destruction are reduced to means to it .
17 Suppose : That through good collecting your average accounts receivable are reduced to £ 150,000 , which means they are outstanding for an average of 45 days .
18 All of their lives are reduced to their drug use .
19 But the fear of the vision comes from the way that all , elves and orcs , evil and noble , are reduced to weeds and foulness in the end .
20 Proud veterans who have contributed to National Insurance for decades are reduced to applying for means-tested benefits along with layabouts , New Age travellers and the like who have contributed nothing .
21 This means that when the raw materials are reduced to fibre ready for re-spinning , they already have colour in them .
22 He has been telling golfing cronies in Ireland that the Beeb are reduced to such drastic economies because they are coughing up £10 million a year on Eldorado .
23 The chain codes are reduced to five , or fewer codes .
24 This code string can also be reduced , so only the changes are noted , sequences of the same code are reduced to a single code .
25 He falls back on the popular device for explaining why the working class fail to live up to what is expected of them — they are reduced to mindless automatons , responding only to right-wing media messages .
26 Our goal is solely to establish whether , in a practical ensemble torn apart by antagonism ( whether there are multiple conflicts or whether they are reduced to one ) the breaks themselves are totalizing and carried along by the totalizing movement of the ensemble .
27 This does not mean that women are reduced to merely playing a passive role in their initiation , a point made by Rosenbaum ( 1981 ) in her study of female addicts in the USA .
28 The hind wings are reduced to tiny knobs .
29 In Atractocerus , and the males of the Strepsiptera , the elytra are reduced to small scale-like appendages .
30 A comparable process is also found among Scolytid beetles in which , after moving to a new tree , the insects ( of both sexes ) do not fly and their flight-muscles are reduced to functionless ribbons .
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