Example sentences of "are discussed in " in BNC.

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1 These applications are discussed in Chapter 8 .
2 Geodesic shells are discussed in Chapter 12 .
3 These topics are discussed in Chapter 5 .
4 Some cases in which progress has been made are discussed in the next chapter .
5 Strauss 's annotations of Hofmannsthal 's libretto are discussed in detail , as is the harmonic structure of the opera which Gilliam identifies as tonal , thus supporting others ' views that Strauss 's next opera , Der Rosenkavalier , was not such a change of tack as it is often represented to be .
6 Then the general principles of the organometallic reactions involved in the synthesis are discussed in some detail .
7 A plethora of optical , electrical and structural characterisation techniques are discussed in chapters 4 and 5 .
8 Fossil fuel , used for stationary and mobile energy sources , and nuclear energy are discussed in some detail , making up the bulk of the book .
9 In a major review of the selection of biological sites of national importance to nature conservation in Britain ( Ratcliffe , 1977b ) , Outer Hebridean sites are discussed in their national context with regard to botany among other aspects .
10 These provisions are discussed in this chapter under two main headings .
11 1.22 We have paid particular attention to the needs of those children whose first language is not English : these are discussed in paragraphs 2.7 to 2.12 and in chapter 10 .
12 The ways by which this class comes about and the implications and feedback effects to and from the natural environment are discussed in Chapters 6 , 7 and 8 .
13 Because of the deeply embedded social issues in soil erosion and conservation and the particular political-economic relations between donor agents and lesser developed countries , new problems tended to arise , and these are discussed in section 3 .
14 The aspects of this process which affect land-users are discussed in detail in Chapter 7 .
15 The choice that this book tends towards is the second , and the ensuing problems are discussed in Chapter 5 .
16 Viruses are more difficult , and are discussed in the next chapter .
17 They are discussed in the next chapter .
18 It seems to me manifest that in a world in which sexual activity is more and more openly presented in all media , in which sex is exploited for purposes of advertisement and entertainment at every level , and in which people 's sexual proclivities are discussed in the plainest terms , children at school need to be given clear information from an early age , and a chance to have their questions answered at various stages of their school career .
19 Proposed changes in financial and other aids directed at LFAs are discussed in Chapter 6 .
20 The system of aids and financial supports applied in the UK 's Less Favoured Areas are discussed in some detail in existing documents produced by the Arkleton Trust , by MAFF and by MacEwen and Sinclair for the Council for National Parks .
21 The differences are discussed in Chapter 5 .
22 Quite apart from potentially valuable entitlements under your contract , which are discussed in Chapter 18 , you may be eligible to claim a redundancy payment and/or that your dismissal is unfair .
23 You have no legal right to insist upon being given a reference ; the relevant legal principles are discussed in Chapter 21 .
24 The fixed paternoster has none of these disadvantages and many advantages which are discussed in the chapter on tackle ( page 7 ) .
25 The aims of the project , which are discussed in more detail in Chapter Two , were to provide flexible ‘ packages ’ of supplementary home support to dementia sufferers , in addition to the statutory health and social services and the non-statutory services normally available , and to test whether , given this service , it is possible cost-effectively to sustain such people at home for longer than is usually possible with support only from existing forms of health and social service ; to explore the circumstances in which the dementia sufferers could cost-effectively be sustained at home , and to examine the circumstances in which it was not possible to sustain them ; that is , to identify the limits to care .
26 These topics are discussed in detail in textbooks dealing with microbiology but are outlined briefly in the remainder of this section and the main points of the first three subjects are summarised in Figure 6.1 .
27 These are discussed in detail in Chapter 13 but for each patient , the nurse needs to assess what that particular mobilising problem means in relation to the AL of maintaining a safe environment .
28 Other , similar attempts to produce urban cover classification using satellite data are discussed in Jackson et al. ( 1980 ) , Forster ( 1983 , 1985b ) , Wheeler ( 1985 ) , Lam et al. ( 1987 ) and Griffiths ( 1988 ) .
29 Other works of reference are discussed in the next section .
30 The Conservative government elected in 1979 inherited a number of urban policies that had been initiated by the Labour government between 1977 and 1979 , and that are discussed in Chapter 3 .
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