Example sentences of "are grounds [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Why should it not , if there are grounds for thinking that it matters to the fiction ?
2 Mr Patten , speaking at question time in the Commons , told Mr Anthony Beaumont-Dark ( C. Selly Oak ) that there was nothing to prevent the current investigation into the West Midlands Serious Crimes Squad looking into ‘ any other matter … if there are grounds for suspicion ’ .
3 Rights themselves are grounds for holding others to be duty bound to protect or promote certain interests of the right-holder .
4 If there is regret over the failure of Resolution 242 as a blueprint for peace , which had seemed so promising in 1967 , there are grounds for even greater regret that the 1949 ( IVth ) Geneva Convention has not been vigorously upheld by those who claimed to be seeking a basis for peace .
5 Partly for historical reasons , such as the impact the Poor Law made on their memories , and partly as a result of their attitudes towards financial ‘ dependence ’ on the state , there are grounds for believing that some of these factors are more acutely felt by older people than other age groups .
6 But there are grounds for scepticism : there has not been produced a clear coherent overall plan which places significant values , skills and , characteristics at the forefront of the curriculum .
7 At the present time , there are grounds for similar concern about both the public and the private sector .
8 For the most part we are concerned with language achievement in English , but there are grounds for concern about numeracy ( Wood , Wood and Howarth , 1983 ) , about employment prospects ( Montgomery and Miller , 1977 ) , and about behaviour and emotional development ( Denmark , 1981 ) .
9 Now there are grounds for this disquiet despite its being misplaced .
10 The weaker claim is that although one can not be certain that beneficial results will accrue , there are grounds for the probability that they will .
11 But there are grounds for arguing that in the UK case a considerably better productivity record would have resulted in a smaller absolute fall .
12 Nevertheless , there are grounds for asking whether the measurable distribution of wealth-holding is simply a matter of choice within Britain in comparison with other leading economies , or whether the financial services sector forms the agency which actively determines that distribution rather than simply facilitating it .
13 On the evidence to date , however , there are grounds for judging unions in relation to management as slightly the lesser sinners .
14 As a club we are very chuffed to be where we are and be able to have an input at such a high level of the game , but we believe their are grounds for an adjustment . ’
15 Despite these cognitive and linguistic demands , there are grounds for predicting that young children will be able to handle intentional explanations .
16 There are grounds for arguing that learning hierarchies like this which are both progressive and universal are extremely difficult to find .
17 Clearly there are grounds for income differences , but these should reflect age , experience , skill and responsibility .
18 It enables him to consider , no doubt on advice , whether there are grounds for challenging the findings made by the judge who made the order .
19 Occupations with a high part-timer share are also those with a high casual worker share , and there are grounds for thinking that in certain cases the two categories of worker are functional equivalents .
20 There are grounds for cautious optimism .
21 In fact , there are grounds for suspecting that the conflict between static inefficiency and dynamic progressiveness is often more apparent than real , and , as we have seen , it is not entirely clear that cooperative R&D ventures significantly weaken those conflicts which do exist .
22 However , there are grounds for optimism .
23 There are grounds for suggesting that the market test can produce perverse incentives , as we have seen in Chapter 3 .
24 Having said this , I still believe there are grounds for cautious optimism that we may now be near the end of the search for the ultimate laws of nature .
25 There are grounds for a compromise and each case must be considered on its merits .
26 There are grounds for qualified optimism because in the past 18 months South Africa has renounced its nuclear ambition , no longer considering that there is a regional threat to the authority of its state .
27 One working assumption might be that the rules governing conversation between persons can be extended in a natural way to cover the new situation , but there are grounds for doubting that this is what literally occurs .
28 According to Gregory , Chlodomer 's kingdom was divided equally between Childebert and Chlothar , but in so far as this division can be reconstructed it appears not to have been confined to the two brothers ; there are grounds for thinking that Theuderic also may have profited from the murders .
29 There are grounds for doubting this opinion .
30 I think we should express our concern in the way that it 's being handled and I think there are grounds for concern and I think must be aware that this Council is watching what they 're doing .
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