Example sentences of "are standing [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We are standing outside the tower on the ledge .
2 In some of the photographs , the Turks who had helped to carry out their government 's orders to liquidate the Armenians are standing beside the corpses , grinning into the camera .
3 Organise the work surfaces in your kitchen to the right height ( at wrist level when you are standing beside it ) and avoid slouching with all your weight on one leg when washing up or ironing .
4 The Giant 's Causeway is hard to believe until you are standing on it .
5 You are standing on someone else 's design — like a piece on a chess board — and you are always conscious of being part of a whole .
6 The transmission may be simple , the shout ‘ You are standing on my foot ! ’ or a phone conversation , or it may be complicated , as in the example of this book , involving a variety of people who are employed in the publishing , printing , and bookselling businesses .
7 A group of men are standing on the veranda .
8 You are standing on the edge now .
9 Jack did not realise that vertical lines are always straight up and down even when you are standing on a hillside .
10 We are standing on it .
11 Andy and William are standing on a seat ; Andy leans out over a table laden with glasses , a champagne bottle in one hand and his other arm held by William , who leans out the opposite way to balance him .
12 ( They are standing on some windy street corner , say . )
13 Some can not tell whether people are standing on their heads or their feet , because the same kind of rubbish comes out .
14 Hugh Stevenson with his wife Ann and Friends ( Hugh and Ann are standing on right of group )
15 We actually at long last , now the Winter 's nearly over , are having made for them some big heavy red cloaks for those who are standing on duty in the courtyard .
16 " You 'll notice that we are standing to the left of the throne , " said the governor , addressing Joseph and his mother in a stage whisper .
17 Ours are standing to arms . ’
18 Claire and Babur are standing amidst their bags outside Arrivals .
19 Believe me , it is not until you are standing with a bucket of icy water in one hand and a wet sponge in the other , looking twelve feet up at a grubby Beaver , that you start to appreciate just what a big aeroplane it is .
20 The wind is probably gusting to sixty or seventy knots with spindrift flying everywhere , yet on the pier a group of herring gulls are standing with their feet flat on the concrete and not being blown away .
21 But , I told myself , by the time you are standing at the airport terminal ( not the train or the bus station ) , you have burned off the top ones and , come on , lad , you can afford to relax a little .
22 RICHARD and EMMA are standing at the front door of a rambling , untidy , Edwardian Mansion .
23 Awareness may come easily when you are experiencing the wonder of growing a plant from seed — it is a little less in the forefront of your mind when you are standing at the kitchen sink doing the washing up .
24 Imagine you are standing at A looking left .
25 Michel Noir , the dashing young mayor of Lyons , and Michèle Barzach , an ex-minister of health and a former protégée of Jacques Chirac , the RPR leader , are standing for re-election as independents against official RPR candidates .
26 They are standing for the rest of the afternoon .
27 FOUR people are standing for the chairmanship of the Scottish Liberal Democrats .
28 And those like Dave Nellist and Terry Field , who were dropped for their Militant views , are standing as Independent Socialists , sensing that in a hung Parliament re-recruitment is on the cards .
29 Down a little tunnel at the Mesdag museum , up a flight of stairs , and you are standing atop a dune looking at an enormous 360-degree panorama painted in 1881 .
30 If you , if you are standing like this and you pick up one foot you will slightly raise your pelvis on the opposite side wo n't you ?
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