Example sentences of "are doing [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If you believe that what you are doing is right then you ca n't compromise . ’
2 All they are doing is making a lot more money out of a lot more misery . ’
3 Rather than recognise points about themselves that need changing , what they are doing is changing their partner for a new one .
4 For what you cowardly heroes are doing is n't helping Adolf Hitler .
5 What you are doing is feeling the music so deeply that you are playing a 5/4 bar .
6 ‘ The business case for what we are doing is obvious , ’ says Hume , calculating that it costs an average of between £10,000 and £15,000 to recruit and train a replacement for every female member of staff who leaves .
7 ‘ But , in reality … what we are doing is serving our own best interests … .
8 And yet all you are doing is reading a book .
9 Being open and honest about what you are thinking , how you are feeling and why you are doing whatever you are doing is deemed to be efficient and helpful because otherwise people waste precious time and energy trying to ‘ second guess ’ what you are up to .
10 Even when we do become more aware , how do we know whether what we are doing is ‘ right ’ or ‘ wrong ’ ?
11 All these people are doing is using their psychic faculties .
12 ‘ How can you stand there talking about bits of paper and profits and money … money , ’ she made the word into an excrescence , ‘ when what you are doing is playing with a human soul .
13 What you are doing is giving away many of your best leaders .
14 All they are doing is trying to hide their own ignorance about Jesus and the Bible by being rude to you !
15 What they are doing is boosting their 1992 earnings at the expense of their income in 1993 when the Clinton government will be in power and hitting them with hugely increased tax bills .
16 ‘ If the tube is cut then what the doctors are doing is cutting the thread of life , ’ James Munby QC , representing the Official Solicitor told the court yesterday .
17 You may not have anything of significance which you can discover , but you should at least give some thought to it ; for what we are doing is to clear through , in order to clear away , some of the accumulated emotional jumble of the years .
18 They continually threaten , nudge and jostle each other ; what they are doing is competing for rank .
19 What Tumbleweed are doing is more or less just putting the two approaches together .
20 We have to persuade the pupils that what they are doing is worthwhile — even when we doubt it ourselves .
21 Thus the pressure , both inner and outer , on teachers to have a clear , articulate rationale for what they are doing is high at the same time as the exploration of the values from which such a rationale must derive is conspicuously out of style .
22 At the press conference in Paris on Wednesday , Microsoft chief executive Bill Gates said , ‘ SAP will be one company with whom we will be working very closely , because the client-server work they are doing is leadership work . ’
23 What defenders of titles such as ‘ chairman ’ are doing is defending male superiority and not the English language .
24 This is a useful question to ask , for if all we are doing is applying systematic thinking , it may well be that the best answer to a specific teaching problem would be a straight lecture with blackboard illustration , or alternatively simply sending a student off to the library to find a book .
25 Because , remember , what you are doing is telling a story , It is a story in an atmosphere of suspense and romance but first and foremost it is a story and everything , descriptions of settings , action scenes , characters , intriguing background or intriguing interest in the heroine must be subordinated to that overriding need .
26 What we are doing is casting out Satan by Satan . ’
27 All we are doing is repeating what we already know . ’
28 I was very impressed by Marcuse who started his talk by saying : ‘ What we are doing is hearing a lot of talk about the flower power , but the flower only has the power because the human being is watering it . ’
29 If you find that something that you are trying to do results in the program crashing then , before you start to curse the programmer , you should first try to find out if what you are doing is reasonable .
30 As far as I can see , the only thing the privatised companies are doing is keeping the bills rising as the water level drops .
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