Example sentences of "are matter [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These are matters about which the auditors will ultimately have to reach a decision .
2 One takes the point , whilst insisting that scrupulosity and rigour are matters of means not ends .
3 The communal and the familial are not necessarily in opposition — they are matters of levels , and although at certain times Marx seems to see this , at others he does not and Engels never does .
4 Selecting the optimum building and obtaining it on satisfactory terms are matters of great importance where institutional finance is involved .
5 ‘ These are matters of national importance and this is a contribution to the public debate . ’
6 Carey may be contested , as the Times , the Institute of Directors , Nicholas Fairbairn MP et al have been quick to attempt , but there is surely nothing curious in the head of a Christian church saying there are matters of greater moral significance than making money — unless by curious is meant the fact that Carey is head of a Christian church that also happens to be the established church of the realm .
7 It may vary slightly in length and in its physical arrangement but these are matters of detail ; the chemistry is the same .
8 This would normally be regarded as a matter for economists and market-research specialists but behind the formidable array of evidence which they will generate are more fundamental questions of consumer preference , customer requirements and so on which are matters of human needs and prejudices .
9 In the heyday of the temples , the scribes used at least two linear scripts , and the evolution and interpretation of those scripts are matters of continuing controversy among scholars .
10 However , we shall not adhere too pedantically to this principle , since the details of diagrams such as that of Figure 2.2 are matters of disagreement among linguists .
11 And even then , the content and boundaries of the offensive behaviour are matters of administrative discretion .
12 These are matters of private arrangement between individuals ; the state is not normally involved .
13 Rather , they appear when the uses of power are matters of controversy , and they are weapons in the struggles of men to enjoy the benefits and escape the burdens of power .
14 But sentencing principles and sentencing practice are matters of legitimate concern to Government , and Parliament provides the funds necessary to give effect to the court 's decisions .
15 All syllabuses show the effect of many influences and are matters of composite authorship .
16 Although in this connection too the higher courts are likely to say that the terms used are matters of fact for the magistrates , it will be open to those courts to say that in certain circumstances , the reactions of the victim were not likely to be those of harassment , alarm or distress .
17 These disparities are matters of concern .
18 Within an organisation these are matters of communication .
19 Extending these ideas , there have also been suggestions from socio-cultural anthropologists who have a leaning towards sociobiology , that , although the details of customs and moral rules and relational behaviours have to be learned afresh by each individual they are matters of culture — we may already know in advance how to organize such conventions into structured patterns by virtue of a genetically endowed predisposition to become enculturated .
20 For example , with us , homicide is the prototype public offence , it is a crime which automatically results in the intervention of the police , whereas most breaches of sexual morality are matters of concern only to members of the domestic household and their close kin .
21 The author 's experience and intentions at the time of writing are matters of purely historical interest , that do not — contrary to the ‘ intentional fallacy ’ — in any way determine the meaning , effect or function of his creation .
22 First , there are matters of principle .
23 On a more general basis , there are matters of judgement as to whether an interim payment should be made .
24 The distributional consequences of government policy are matters of much contemporary public interest and controversy .
25 Criticizing the " neglect and relaxation in political construction " , Gen. Yang Baibing , director of the PLA general political department ( and younger half-brother of Yang Shangkun ) , said : " Strengthening the firm political stand of cadres and fighters and guaranteeing that the rifles are really held by politically reliable people are matters of top importance " for ensuring the Army 's response to the party 's commands in future " political storms " .
26 Furthermore , some ordinary-language terms in the Act are matters of law , such as " makes any … demand " in blackmail ( Treacy v DPP , above ) .
27 These are matters of good practice and there is no statutory requirement to make a plan or indeed review it .
28 But I I do n't erm from the nature of Mr Justice in the Midland Bank that there 's a a well known but w what I say is that in this case er what your Lordship will be dealing with are essentially what are matters of practice for conveyancing solicitors when faced particularly with clients er making financial arrangements to enter into this and the duties of in that particular situation .
29 This argument appealed to what I called the ideal of protected expectation , that collective force should be used only in accordance with standards chosen and read through procedures the community as a whole knows will be used for that purpose , procedures so widely acknowledged that they are matters of general social or professional convention .
30 There are matters of staff management , consultation etc which need to be dealt with at SMT level .
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