Example sentences of "are [adv] thought " in BNC.

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1 Unlucky Wales : they are widely thought to have a worse chance against the tourists than either Neath or Llanelli .
2 The draft transfer pricing regulations the IRS issued earlier this year caused a storm of international protest ; they are widely thought to introduce a different notion of what is ‘ arm 's length ’ from that generally accepted by other tax authorities .
3 Such considerations as the following are widely thought to favour preference over the older hedonistic utilitarianism .
4 If it looks scruffy , then it implies that you are scruffy , if it looks badly thought out , unclear , then it implies that you are badly thought out and unclear .
5 Unfortunately for his thesis , women , who are normally thought to be more intuitive than men , have on average less spatial ability , while spatial ability is more important for scientific thinking than is verbal ability .
6 He notes that Mackie compares values to colours , and describes both as things which are normally thought of as existing independently ( and which conceivably might have done so ) but which a reasonable scientific view of the world exhibits as not really there .
7 As we suggested in the introduction , " temporary workers are normally thought of as those who are not engaged on indefinite contract of employment , and the obvious opposite of an indefinite contract of employment is a contract for a fixed period of time .
8 Even in Northern Ireland , the districts are best thought of as the lower tier in a system that simply lacks a democratically elected higher level of local government .
9 They are best thought of as a three-part harmonic combination , chords on three trombones being extremely impressive in effect at all dynamic levels .
10 These diverging processes are best thought of as locally autonomous in the manner of the ‘ recursive ’ procedure of Chapter 3 , rather than as coordinated in some grand central design .
11 Many data are collected regularly and routinely , particularly by government agencies , local authorities , etc. , so that , again , we have These observations are best thought of as a time series rather than a longitudinal study since the whole community of a country or region ( rather than a sample ) is generally involved .
12 Provoked killings are generally thought to be less heinous than unprovoked killings , and provocation has long been accepted as a ground for reducing to manslaughter a killing which would otherwise fulfil the definition of murder .
13 Bacteria are generally thought of as being single celled .
14 The complex structures of the Gower Peninsula , and in particular the Cefn Bryn and Bishopston thrusts , are generally thought to be the continuation of the Front south of the South Wales coalfield .
15 But no theory of moral belief ought to rule out such practices if tradition or special circumstances are generally thought to justify them .
16 Brüggen directs hard-driven , almost consciously abrasive performances of these two symphonies that are generally thought to be among Beethoven 's more genial offerings .
17 They are generally thought to be striking at Hipparchos not shown , an interesting but rather surprising concept ; one might rather see them as defending themselves against the bodyguard which cut them down .
18 Such treatments are generally thought to have few adverse effects and are often self administered .
19 Pupils here in the fifth year are generally thought to be dross .
20 The exact origins of what we recognize as apples are rather obscure but they are generally thought to come from the Caucasus Mountains in Asia Minor , near where seventeenth-century historians located the Garden of Eden .
21 Rational thought and behaviour are generally thought to be dependent in some ways upon an ability to reason logically .
22 Tacoma 's needle-exchange programmes are already thought to be showing results .
23 At the moment , Asahi Shinwa is officially only affiliated to AA International , but there are no obvious barriers to an eventual merger and the two firms are already thought to be holding discussions .
24 Parents that lack such feelings , and there are many , even if they do their duty ‘ for duty 's sake ’ are nonetheless thought to be morally deficient .
25 In this country , tortoises are usually thought of as land animals , terrapins as freshwater and turtles as sea-living , or marine , reptiles .
26 Recruitment and selection are usually thought of as the company picking the person .
27 This is not so much for reasons of hygiene , it should be added , but rather from fear of the pollution that can come from the demons of the dead , who are usually thought to harbour hostile feelings towards the living .
28 Engineers and ceremonial officers are usually thought to be solemn people .
29 By focusing on the day to day practicalities of business life in collaboration with businessmen , it will be possible to see how far what are usually thought of as mutually exclusive approaches are , in fact , reconcilable .
30 Overall illiteracy rates among the black population are still thought to stand above 50 per cent , and schooling is not accessible to many black children .
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