Example sentences of "at a greater " in BNC.

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1 Service charges for industry , such as telephone will increase at a greater rate than the private consumer .
2 It runs off a normal car battery and has ample power to drive the punt at a greater rate of knots than you are likely to need , unless you are going to troll for pike ; and then you would be better using a boat rather than a punt .
3 Franklin even added point ( excuse me ) to the argument about whether pointed or knobbed lightning rods may be preferable when he showed that blunted ones acted at a greater distance .
4 At greater speeds they have a choice ; they can either swim at a greater depth ( away from the influence of surface drag ) or resort to their ‘ aquabatics ’ .
5 It implies that if one achieves a desirable end ( in terms , say , of pain prevented ) but at a greater cost of suffering than was necessary for it , one 's act was right , though not the best , even if one could have achieved that end by a less drastic means .
6 What is important is that ( a ) large numbers of people are involved ; ( b ) some of them are at a greater risk than the general population due to pre-existing cardiac or respiratory conditions and/or prolonged exposure in homes or at the workplace ; and ( c ) there is no ‘ safe ’ level of exposure to carcinogens .
7 A co-operative may have more difficulty in raising a large initial sum of venture capital and hence be at a greater risk of starting with too big a burden of interest on loan capital ; but , having got started on a sound financial footing , it would be under no special difficulty in doing as well as ordinary firms .
8 The provision of health care and the subjective experience of seeking that care are all partly determined by the socio-economic structure of society on an area basis , so that a working class person is at a greater disadvantage if he lives in a predominantly working class area than if he lives in a socially mixed area .
9 The biggest increases in growth rate between the two periods , however , occurred largely in counties situated at a greater distance from London , namely ( in rank order ) Northamptonshire , Isle of Wight , Lincolnshire , Dyfed , Gloucestershire , Devon , Dorset and Hereford & Worcester .
10 There is , however , separate evidence which shows that the Jovian interior is indeed hot , namely , that Jupiter radiates energy to space at a greater rate than that at which it absorbs energy from the Sun .
11 He pointed out that the ores raised from greater depth would be at a greater expense though the Royalties would in fact increase .
12 At a greater distance from the throne are the inferior nobles , also standing in the same posture of profound reverence .
13 The minimum in the potential function is at a greater internuclear distance , and the vibration frequency is lower .
14 Subjects seemed to provide No responses slower than giving Yes responses initially , but No response reaction time increased at a greater rate tending to converge with reaction time for Yes responses in larger memory sets of about four digits onwards .
15 But in the repetition of ‘ caverns measureless to man ’ , Coleridge hints at a greater understanding .
16 In a US setting , Republicans are associated with keeping inflation in check at a greater cost in terms of unemployment than the Democrats will accept ; to put it , perhaps , too strongly , one is the party of unemployment and the other the party of inflation .
17 Since then , speculation that families living close to high-voltage cables are at a greater than normal risk from childhood leukaemia and other cancers , has made them wonder about the safety of their sons Daryl , aged 2 and Jack , just 8 weeks old .
18 A CONFEDERATION of British Industry survey out this morning shows that new orders and output among small manufacturing firms have declined at a greater rate than expected since July .
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