Example sentences of "he asked for " in BNC.

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1 In his note he asked for medical help — some vitamins , eye-drops , ‘ as I ca n't go out ’ — and for some money .
2 Sir Rhodes urged Mr Patten to reduce poll tax levels in London by imposing a cap of £300 per adult , and he asked for special help for those people living in low rateable value homes built between 1860 and 1930 .
3 ‘ How does it work ? , ’ he asked for the sake of British tabloid papers .
4 He asked for streamlined procedures to sift out frivolous applications and allow individual board members greater discretion to reduce the number of full hearings .
5 He asked for her help in resisting attempts to ban the sale of fresh turkeys at Christmas .
6 ’ On the north-east corner he asked for a castellated bell tower in which to house the bell he had brought back from Lille .
7 The crew of the boat on which he was travelling attacked and were about to kill him when he asked for a last favour — to play a tune .
8 He asked for them to be clearly marked , packed in damp moss and sent to Lord Cornbury 's by Oxford Chapel , ‘ where I am to be around generally any morning before ten if you ever have time to call ’ .
9 The Earl of Essex , who was in overall charge of all the Parliamentary troops , with the advice of Cromwell , decided that the advance of the Royal troops on London must be halted , so he asked for volunteers from amongst the considerable number of apprentices in London ; armed them as best he could and they marched to Turnham Green where they were able to inflict such losses on the troops led by Prince Rupert that they were forced to withdraw , and there was no subsequent attempt to capture London .
10 If he asked him to pass the screwdriver he passed the hammer and if he asked for the hammer , he passed the nearest broomhandle , which was usually in another room altogether .
11 ‘ It is coming ? ’ he asked for the fifth time since they had broken away from the Baglietto .
12 I wrote to a prospective customer of the OALDCE 3/e Electronic on 19 May and faxed to you his letter in which he asked for a copy of the tape suitable for running on an AT&T machine .
13 He tipped his seat back and zipped his jacket right up and he asked for the music to go on again , and he lay there in the dark with the music on , feeling warm in the middle of the freezing night , and he could feel himself smiling .
14 From there he sallied forth about his many errands , meeting the usual obstructiveness whenever he asked for anything .
15 Sarazen was so sure that Daniels had been the key to his win that he asked for the old boy to be with him when he was presented with the claret jug , saying it was a ‘ team victory ’ .
16 At 8.30 p.m. he asked for his lawyer .
17 That would be a severe handicap for a dancer , and while he was having it corrected he asked for his nose to be straightened too .
18 Only one contestant appeared and at the end of the prescribed waiting period , the hour of nine he asked for the non-appearance of his adversary to be legally recorded .
19 The other thing is that he asked for his family .
20 His parents were not surprised when he asked for a lock on his bedroom door before he had reached his teenage years .
21 He asked for approval for having inaugurated the competition , but then said that if time would allow it , the War Office should be incorporated into the Downing Street scheme , particularly as the Pall Mall site was too small .
22 He claimed that customers were appalled by the players ' language and that when he asked for order they threatened to punch out his lights .
23 Thus Vial got the support he asked for , and Huntingford , to whose untiring efforts the establishment and early functioning of the College was in very great measure due , was ignominiously dismissed .
24 Eventually he was taken into the West Sussex hospital and when Mr Smith visited him , he asked for some chlorodyne .
25 With the minimum of props and the only gesture being a raised paw , he asked for the money for a cup of coffee , guv , sported a patch over one eye concealing a wound sustained in the service of his country , at the same time dragging a wooden leg fitted during the retreat from Moscow while maintaining that he had a bitch and five pups to support and did not know where his next meal was coming from .
26 In a Northern Ireland accent he asked for the manager 's office .
27 Being a modest man , he asked for .
28 The king was astonished that he asked for so little , and readily agreed .
29 Many others would say yes to him before he asked for anything .
30 Martha , her youngest , was being courted by Sam Baldwin , the youngest son of the family at Cauldron Mill ; although the lad had not yet spoken to Jonadab , Annie knew it would not be long before he asked for their daughter as his bride .
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