Example sentences of "he looked [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He looked imploringly at Connors , but it 's no use pleading with a man who just had a machine gun go off in his face .
2 Just now he looked decidedly anxious .
3 He looked sternly at Herr Müller who had an odd expression .
4 ‘ May I still have the interview with you which you promised ? ’ she asked straight out — and thought for a few seconds , as he looked sternly at her , that she had blown it , and that he had taken the strongest exception to her reminding him of his promise .
5 He looked automatically , by association , at his watch .
6 He looked automatically at Alfred .
7 When he spoke he looked ahead , only occasionally glancing at Huy , though whether for approval or in anticipation of an interruption , Huy could not tell .
8 He looked ahead to where the road curved openly up to the left , free road ahead , that 's where he was going up on that open road ahead with this great sense of power behind his eyes , behind his shoulders , in his thighs .
9 ‘ And as I put one leg out of the door , he looked slightly taken aback , because he could see that my leg was bare .
10 He was thirty now , he knew , but he looked slightly older .
11 He looked slightly past them as if they had already been and gone .
12 He looked slightly embarrassed and did not deny that he had .
13 He looked slightly embarrassed and made no answering comment .
14 He looked slightly amused as he said : ‘ I am not owed any explanations , this is your house . ’
15 Maria stared at him standing there , discovering that he looked slightly drawn , while there was a hotness to his eyes now , as if fever or perhaps simply fatigue afflicted him .
16 He looked slightly abstracted ; and I noticed for the first time that his habit of addressing remarks with head bowed — often appearing to contemplate the floor or the ‘ figure in the carpet ’ — had begun to bring about that slight spinal curvature which became accentuated later in life though not without adding to his dignity of bearing .
17 He looked slightly uneasy .
18 He looked forward to working with him .
19 He looked forward to the development of the country
20 He looked forward to rare trips through the city in a dirty truck that stank of oil and pig-swill , the occasional shared chore , the songs , the rough companionship .
21 He would go far , this young man , Mr Bullins considered , and he looked forward to reading of his progress once he left Oxford .
22 He looked forward to the promised visit of young van Rappard .
23 He looked forward to this drink , the first of the day , with a sensuous desire .
24 He looked forward to the end of his shift .
25 All that mattered was the next time he would see Kate ; beyond that he looked forward with an urgency that hurt to the first time they would make love .
26 They existed , too , somewhere , seeking him out in every corner , and if they ever found him they would surely drag him back to the terror from which he looked forward to escaping , finally and permanently , soon .
27 He wore a grim expression , not showing the elation with which he looked forward to killing President Sam , and taking over as ruler of his country .
28 There were , however , some lusty singers among his parishioners , and he looked forward to the time when it might prove possible to fill the chancel with an unsurpliced choir .
29 He looked forward to practising it himself on others in due course .
30 However the Committee had felt that the reduced scheme was still worthwhile and he looked forward to the Museum opening in the near future .
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