Example sentences of "he got there " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Athens , my chiefest joy , ’ he had written several years before he got there in vivid anticipation ; now he experienced its individual dynamic .
2 At one level , he got there first .
3 He could still hear him when he got there .
4 In New York in 1983 he got there in three hours 54 minutes — his fastest marathon .
5 It would all be over by the time he got there !
6 When he visited Ottery in August 1793 his brothers reluctantly agreed to help him ; but some of the money they supplied was frittered away on the journey back to Cambridge , and when he got there he discovered a host of forgotten debts .
7 How he got there no-one knows , but he was a very good sailor and an even better artist .
8 Grandfather 's principal interest was to hear the one who played the piano but when he got there he was rather taken up with the violinist .
9 There proved , when he got there , to be two messages .
10 When he got there he went straight to the bank .
11 My friend is not simply explaining why , for good or bad reasons , he did decide to go to the Park ( as he might after the event , in which case it would be no objection to his explanation that when he got there the zoo turned out to be closed ) ; he is defending his decision to go to the Park rather than meet me at his house , and I can still try to change his mind .
12 As soon as he got there he set to work .
13 But I found it too embarrassing to keep suggesting to a fellow professional that he should take time off from his own work to accompany me to functions where he was not able to join me at the dinner table when he got there .
14 ‘ I did n't think we had any chance of catching him but I just kept shoving and shouting and he got there in the end , ’ said Antoinette .
15 He was always in a hurry to get where he was going and always in a hurry to leave it when he got there .
16 Soon after he got there the atom bomb all but ended the issue and certainly ended all active prospects for the latest intake of air crew .
17 Myeloski turned as he got there .
18 When he got there , with his thoughts no doubt fixed on their future , the switchboard operator told him Johnny Beerling , controller of Radio One , was on the line .
19 John Mortimer ( Mail on Sunday ) certainly took his time getting to the book , and when he got there he was cliché-ridden enough and bland enough even to stand out from that bland and cliché-ridden paper : ‘ This is an important book which makes us face the fact that genius does n't go with happiness , or blandly acceptable opinions .
20 Rain saw only that he got there first and Harbury was left holding out the wine glass .
21 I mean if he got there first .
22 When he got there he pressed the button on the entryphone , waiting for the crackle of her distorted voice , but there was nothing .
23 It was after nine o'clock , however , by the time he got there , since his route was complicated , and involved calls at the mortuary of the General Hospital , at police headquarters , and a telephone call to the forensic laboratory .
24 ‘ Timmy will have been dead before he got there .
25 When he got there , he pulled an enormous bell-mouthed gun — I imagine it was a blunder-buss — from his belt and levelled it at the monster .
26 She was already dead when he got there ! ’
27 ‘ Rick claims that Angy was already dead when he got there and he 's obviously managed to convince the police that his story is true .
28 Maxim made sure he got there well ahead of Agnes .
29 After two pages , he would find himself , without quite knowing why or how he got there , making a cup of tea or watching the television .
30 He was studying the nearer balloon , calculating where it would be when he got there .
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