Example sentences of "he got in " in BNC.

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1 His Mum backed the car out and he got in .
2 He got in .
3 I suppose it 's not completely out of the question , but there 's no indication of how he got in .
4 I guess this is how he got in . ’
5 He got in beside me .
6 He would talk it over with Charlie when he got in from work .
7 Peter came home from school ravenous , raiding the larder as soon as he got in .
8 He got in through a half-closed larder window .
9 The train was n't late , and he got in , choosing as was his habit a seat on the side with a view of the sea , for the track ran along the Adriatic and he liked to have it in sight , the elating expanse , ringing bright in the sun .
10 He was out again early ; too early even for the car to have been ticketed yet , as he found when he got in and turned the engine over to be sure that the cold and damp of the early hours would n't leave him with any last-minute problems .
11 He got in alongside her , slammed the door , and moved forward to speak to the driver .
12 He got in and pressed the button for the first floor .
13 Puzzled , he got in .
14 Now once he got in for his half , half pint in , in the in the passage he 'd have , he 'd have a good swig and , and it was about when he 'd got to bottom of the glass put it down .
15 It was the end of his working day , and although not exactly free of preoccupation ( he would be telephoning Paul Lane the moment he got in ) , he wanted some time to himself .
16 If he got in early enough he could lunch with George .
17 Erm but he got he got sidetracked by this guy , and they were talking and he he mentioned a photograph , and he got in like you know .
18 He admits that he took the vehicle , but says that it was already damaged when he got in or that it was not damaged when he left the scene and that it must have been damaged by someone who took it later .
19 The radio was tuned to the BBC , to her surprise , but Rory switched it off as he got in .
20 ‘ Sorry if I 've kept you waiting , General , ’ he said as he got in .
21 He got in and the car pulled away .
22 When he got in he went upstairs and got a large blanket .
23 He got in about twenty five to five .
24 He got in with the wrong crowd up at .
25 On Sunday , yeah , he got in , I do n't know what happened I was n't there but and supposedly , yeah , he met , did you see Julie , one of the waitresses
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