Example sentences of "he have helped " in BNC.

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1 Raskolnikov asks himself after he has helped the Marmeladov family and been in contact with little children .
2 He has helped her with her public speaking , suggested ideas , discussed her concerns and boosted her confidence when it was low .
3 He has helped in revitalising the Oxford-Cambridge match which this year drew a capacity crowd to Twickenham .
4 But Mr de Soto goes down well in Washington , where he has helped persuade the authorities to take the previously unknown Mr Fujimori seriously .
5 But he has helped me tremendously .
6 The former England and Bristol flanker took over the coaching , put up the blackboard and with one word — commitment — he has helped John Pullin 's old club to promotion .
7 He has helped guide us carefully through some difficult decisions and seen through the establishment of the pastoral team and the purchase of the Camphill building .
8 In the film , Rea plays an IRA man who becomes a little too involved with the British soldier he has helped kidnap and , in a confused act of penance after his death , tracks down the soldier 's wife back in London .
9 He has helped the car industry and the construction industry with capital allowances for investment in plant and machinery , but it 's only marginal help .
10 He has helped to construct specially tailored mortgage services to exploit the low cost of housing and he points out that after the Woolwich developed its property services division in Kent , its second area of development was in Northern Ireland .
11 The truly effective manager is aware of the performance levels that can be expected from each individual and he has helped them to define their own targets .
12 He has lost count of the clubs he has helped , buying their entire ticket alloca-tion .
13 During his time with the party he has helped mastermind election campaigns for MPs Seamus Mallon and Eddie McGrady .
14 He has helped and supported Gwen , his third wife , through her battle against breast cancer over the last year .
15 He has helped with the menu for the new £6.95 tea service , which includes sandwiches and varieties of fruit cake .
16 Bringing baby Bogdan Ursu to Middlesbrough for a vital operation grabbed the headlines , but Rod has developed an affection for all the children he has helped on his trips .
17 Although he did not wish to have his name mentioned fearing his surgery would be swamped by expectant mothers , he has helped us write an eight point guide to having your baby at home .
18 He 'd helped himself to Miss Lodsworth 's cider apples . ’
19 Why should Billy put himself at risk for the sake of his hereditary enemies , whether he 'd helped to bring them up or not ?
20 On the surface he 'd helped her to adjust , and a woman less sensitive and intelligent would n't have accepted him correcting her speech and table manners .
21 He 'd faced foxes , he 'd helped to drive the Truck , he 'd flown on a goose — but none of them was half so bad as letting a human being actually touch him .
22 I 'd been drawing since I was tiny — my grandfather is a very good artist , although he specialises in landscapes , and he 'd helped me enormously from the beginning .
23 In the last few years of his life William 's grandad had finally found employment in a growth industry — he was a volunteer with the Victims Support Scheme , and a lot of the mourners were people from the office , or victims of muggings and burglaries that he 'd helped to put on their feet again .
24 Here , where I could 've done better , if only I 'd understood , if only he 'd helped me ; if only this , if only that .
25 He 'd helped her through a bad patch and she 'd been grateful , but she 'd never really considered him in any other light .
26 When they had eventually managed to get him out of the house he 'd helped her to carry the remaining dishes from the dining-room , a thing he never did .
27 He nodded to himself as he climbed the stairs , wondering what he 'd helped with .
28 That was all , the slightest touch of his fingers on hers , but she was reminded of that other time he had touched her , when he 'd helped her out of the pool , and now , as then , something inside her responded to his touch .
29 When he 'd helped her to sit up he handed her two tablets and a cup of hot tea .
30 He 'd helped set up a new research wing , which was due to be officially opened in a fortnight 's time .
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