Example sentences of "he have to keep " in BNC.

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1 Alongside the challenges of the Social Charter and the Community Charge he has to keep a firm grip on the Government 's sponsored schemes .
2 His only possibility is to tap the latent anger , which he has to keep suppressed for the most part , and the social depression that would enable him and his peers to speak out from their own consciousness in order that a mature and civilized level of relationship can be attained between them and others .
3 Dad could probably give us everything that 's happening , but now he 's a deacon he has to keep quiet .
4 He has to keep these kids in the team because there 's nothing better to replace them — yet even five years ago Jamie Redknapp and Don Hutchison would have been back in the reserves , getting the time they need .
5 He has to do more than they do , and he has to keep it up for much longer .
6 A reader from a common law background is often puzzled by this , because it looks like the single concept of ‘ service ’ with which he is familiar ; he has to keep in mind the civil law distinction between more and less solemn modes .
7 For him it is strenuous to climb a steep hill , because he has to keep pushing his own vertical mass upwards and can not gain any momentum .
8 He has to keep going all the time — to and fro about the world and walking up and down in it .
9 He has to keep an eye on his own kind as well as anybody else .
10 He has to keep his finger on the pulse . ’
11 He has to keep coming back all the time to look after my needs when … when he 'd much rather be out having his needs looked after .
12 Anyway he , he has to keep changing for his work because they get a , a mileage allowance with the council
13 Not only did he have to keep wafting a smoke machine to create that distinctive curry house fug , and smoking cigarettes down to the level of the previous scene ; he also had to keep up a steady supply of fresh poppadums .
14 At last he stood back satisfied , and the keeper asked , ‘ How long will he have to keep it on ? ’
15 And would he have to keep the churchyard ?
16 Why did he have to keep it there for three hours ?
17 He had to keep this manner , this pained narrative , so that any reader would feel that the account had been forced out of him with great reluctance , and that the sordid events he had yet to describe were softened by the compassion and generous charity of the writer .
18 He longed for rest but knew that he had to keep moving , and hauling on the line , he got his hands on to the taffrail and vaulted into the cockpit .
19 He had to keep the prices up .
20 A sixteen-year-old girl ( they 're always sixteen in this story ) who had been having regular sex with her boyfriend , began worrying that he might lose interest in her if he had to keep wearing a condom .
21 He had to keep scratching .
22 He had to keep breaking off so he could mop the sweat from his face and neck .
23 The sickness rose into his throat , and he had to keep swallowing .
24 The funeral director had a cold ; he had to keep reaching into the back for tissues .
25 Two-year-old Lady would not be coaxed away from Jimmy Seymour 's van , so he had to keep the engine ticking over with the heaters full-on for eight hours while the bitch gave birth to eight healthy pups .
26 He had to keep fighting from the inside , almost get his body born again , ’ she said .
27 Mr Wormwood did n't want to be scalped so he had to keep the hat on his head the whole day long , even when putting sawdust in gear-boxes and fiddling the mileages of cars with his electric drill .
28 The Brigadier was bouncing the jeep once again along the road out of Pontino , sending up sprays of wet grit and grumbling continually under his breath , this time because he had to keep switching the wipers on and off .
29 Fame is a less brilliant commodity in England , but nevertheless he had to keep his address secret , to protect himself not only from letters and telephone calls but also from undesirable visitors who might arrive at Carlyle Mansions .
30 The only problem was that every time he let the dog off the lead it tried to provide itself with a sheep supper , so consequently he had to keep it on the lead and feed it on tins of beans , sausages , bacon and egg , which had so exhausted his stock of food that now he was living on porridge and giving the dog the rest of his sausages .
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