Example sentences of "he be obviously " in BNC.

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1 While Stone struggles to keep open the question as to whether more divorce produces an increase in the sum of human happiness , he is obviously uneasy about the way in which divorce has become a routine and largely administrative process .
2 ‘ If Steve does n't play for Liverpool he is obviously unlikely to play for us .
3 Lindsay , who said that he had no idea he would be offered the job , pledged his support to Reilly , saying that he was ‘ firmly behind the decision to ask Malcolm to continue as he is obviously the best man for the job ’ .
4 Lindsay , who said that he had no idea he would be offered the job , pledged his support to Reilly , saying that he was ‘ firmly behind the decision to ask Malcolm to continue as he is obviously the best man for the job ’ .
5 Gooch recalled playing against Waqar at Chelmsford : ‘ The first impression was that he seemed to have a very long run-up but he is obviously a very fine fast bowler with the ability to swing , particularly the old ball . ’
6 To judge from this new CD from harmonia Mundi , it is through no fault of the music : he is obviously a composer of real stature .
7 He is obviously having his problems right now , but believe me , anyone who writes him off does so at their peril . ’
8 He is obviously serious about it as he also has a 1926 3 litre Bentley which he is upgrading to 4.5 to race .
9 Erm he is obviously aware that er by not having the vehicle taxed it 's going to cost him considerably more than if he had er taxed the vehicle at the right , correct and proper time .
10 Erm he is obviously aware that er by not having the vehicle taxed , it 's going to cost him considerably more than if he had er taxed the vehicle at the right , correct and proper time .
11 The heroine is confused by the hero 's behaviour , since , though he is obviously interested in her , he is mocking , cynical , contemptuous , often hostile , and even somewhat brutal .
12 He is obviously less discreet than he used to be . ’
13 He is obviously in considerable difficulty , and as his PPS , the Hon. Member for Tayside , North ( Mr. Walker ) is not yet here to assist him , I shall pass over the matter of the transitional period .
14 He is obviously disappointed with the way many such companies seem , to him , to be squandering opportunities , .
15 He is obviously intent upon amusing himself with two women .
16 And , however nonchalant Dunbar appears to be about the future , he is obviously keen to notch up yet another success .
17 Stephen is an obviously intelligent man ( postgraduate student , loads of ‘ levels ’ and all that ) , yet he is obviously mad .
18 He is obviously eager to overturn Dr. Kumar 's small majority and once again give Langbaurgh the reputation of being a Conservative area .
19 IF anything excites a fellow more than the price of a pint he is obviously a teetotaller .
20 Mrs Healey : ‘ He 's obviously fond of women .
21 He 's obviously insecure about money .
22 I was scared to move , he 's obviously so crazy about all that stuff .
23 Not only is the most handsome and good natured nine month old ever , but he 's obviously MENSA material .
24 He 's obviously decided he should be here after all . ’
25 He 's obviously the dog to beat .
26 He 's obviously doing it to keep a rhythm going and it certainly seems to work .
27 ‘ In general , I think it 's slightly unfair when you 've got someone who 's considered a virtuoso player such as Mark King — he 's obviously very talented , but his basses are so incredibly easy to play that it seems a bit of a cheat to me .
28 Better than ‘ The National Front Disco ’ or whatever by Morrissey — he 's obviously never even seen a soccer ball in his life .
29 He 's obviously a raging Nazi !
30 He 's obviously not playing as well and gets nailed for it .
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