Example sentences of "he had obviously " in BNC.

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1 He had obviously not considered Ari 's feelings .
2 He had obviously assessed the resulting positions before the match and it remains a mystery why Short played such a dubious line .
3 He had obviously travelled the ten miles from Harwell overnight .
4 I believe the police spent some time asking him questions but he had obviously not seen you so that was that .
5 He had obviously heard about the strange fish from the two boys at the pub , and anything concerning the river was Herbie 's concern .
6 As it was he had obviously grown tired of the regular struggles and gone off to find someone who gave in more readily .
7 His body was found very close to it , but he had obviously been blinded by the blizzard .
8 Knight 's were the more damaging , for he had obviously gained first-hand information on the drug-hearing and drug-testing procedures in South Africa , and when he was not satisfied fired off a series of messages , including newspaper clippings , hearings findings and his own personal letters to the NZRFU .
9 ‘ I found it had been cheaply dry-cleaned. he had obviously lent it to her . ’
10 He had obviously sold that , then bought the one Jean and her friend now stood in , for £2,000 — the receipt was stuffed into a vase .
11 He had obviously been arguing with it — when Masklin walked up he glared at him and said , ‘ It wo n't do what I tell it ! ’
12 I heard some uncertain footsteps and he lurched on , waving a jug of orange juice , which was not the drink he had obviously been consuming in huge quantities .
13 He had obviously been summoned in a hurry .
14 He had obviously spent a lot of money on them and he felt cheated .
15 He had obviously been sleeping out the daylight in the gloom of the kirk , never expecting that some idiot with a camera , rucksack and heavy boots would come crashing into his bedroom .
16 So he had obviously slept .
17 He had obviously been waiting to see how the first got on .
18 He had obviously told the servants that he had accidentally set fire to his room by knocking over a lighted candle .
19 He had sited it far from where it really was , half a mile down from where it was ; he had obviously never seen it .
20 Gorbachev had no doubt that the socialist choice in October 1917 had been the right one ; nor could Marx be blamed for subsequent developments he had obviously been unable to foresee .
21 He had obviously mistaken Ace for one of the regular crew , and she did not bother to correct him .
22 He had obviously been sleeping ; his hair was ruffled and untidy and his chin unshaven and covered with a short , dark stubble .
23 Blufton 's eyes glittered with irritation : he had obviously expected his revelation to be treated with respect .
24 He had obviously been searching for appropriate words of censure during the silence .
25 No-one suggested weaving a circle round the headmaster thrice , in view of the fact that he had obviously fed on honeydew and drunk the milk of paradise .
26 Only her father had done that and he had obviously welcomed Alain Lemarchand just as he had rejected her .
27 Oh , no ; I enjoy myself like that quite often , ’ Robyn replied lightly , forcing herself not care , to complete the picture he had obviously already formed .
28 He had obviously cleaned up also , and shaved .
29 He had obviously managed to make the far end of the alley and slip out under cover of the fog , scant seconds before the other cars had arrived to seal it off .
30 He had obviously decided to be pleasant to her .
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