Example sentences of "he had certainly " in BNC.

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1 There were later rumours that the gesture , however sincere , cost Toshack the Liverpool management when Bob Paisley retired ; he had certainly seen Swansea as his apprenticeship .
2 Faith could not possibly have known a booking-clerk at a railway station , therefore he had certainly been a stranger , idle and curious , a watcher at the funeral .
3 He had certainly not been confident when he arrived in Augusta and in the end his suspicions about his form were confirmed .
4 He had certainly got his money 's worth .
5 He had certainly been failing in his duty towards Dimity .
6 He felt as if he had walked for miles and knew that he had certainly had too much to drink .
7 Considering that he started his adult life as a wine and spirits salesman , he had certainly learnt the art of showmanship : whatever the fluctuating state of the theatre , he always managed to pay an enormous wage bill for his large casts .
8 Although Sherman had not used the keyboard , he had certainly made a combinatorial request .
9 If he had n't provoked the argument then he had certainly seized on it with relish .
10 He had certainly done that .
11 One thing was clear : he had certainly meant to kill him , and had only been stopped by the officer 's determined and intelligent fighting .
12 He had certainly taken the tragedy badly .
13 He had certainly lied about seeing the cottage light .
14 He had himself — however ambiguously — received investiture with his archbishopric from the king , and he had certainly consecrated bishops who had been thus invested .
15 He had certainly not been here on the day that she and her parents had briefly visited Leo 's quarters .
16 He had certainly kept his opinion very secret , I thought .
17 He had certainly entered Edward 's service by 1274 , when he was appointed joint custodian of the vacant see of Durham .
18 In any event by 1606 he had certainly attracted patronage at the highest level : his sponsors for freedom of the City were Lady Arabella Stuart , third in line to the throne , and her future father-in-law Edward Seymour , Earl of Hertford [ qq.v . ] .
19 Andrew Stavanger was not on board , and her Master said that he had certainly not sailed in her .
20 But he had certainly seen something of the Greek civilization , with its philosophic schools , theatres and gymnasia .
21 However , it turned out in the end that he was basically correct , though in a manner he had certainly not expected .
22 He did have red hair and he had certainly been interested in the whole area down by the river walk .
23 He had not accused her of killing the Pitts , but he had certainly hinted that she was capable of it .
24 He had certainly not drawn James 's attention to Araminta 's departure — or his own .
25 As he had certainly not been , it seemed ; not until now .
26 He had simply said , ‘ Oh Gawd ’ , but he had certainly looked aghast .
27 If so , he had certainly been working later than usual .
28 He had certainly researched Grantham and Marsh and the testimonial Sebastian had purportedly given her was in line with the high regard in which she had been told she was held by the company , although she 'd hardly expected to be given such a glowing recommendation .
29 If it was , he had certainly followed it scrupulously himself .
30 For he had certainly not returned to Brighton .
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