Example sentences of "he had probably " in BNC.

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1 Pat 's crater was a very good French brandy that he had probably scrounged from somewhere local , most likely the Chateau just along the road .
2 She did not know where he was now and she did not really care , but he had probably been the most influential person in her life : her handsome prince and Maggie 's father .
3 He told the details to an incredulous audience , although tactfully leaving out the part about Steinmark 's base habits , merely suggesting that he had probably been taking a short cut across the line .
4 He was glad Rebel had gone off towards the road , though he had probably run back by now for the loaf .
5 He had robbed Madge , he had hurt , even killed Bella and , worst of all , he had probably , knowing him , deprived her of Simon .
6 He was convinced he had probably cost Orrell the chance in the next 12 days of becoming England 's champion club for the first time .
7 Of these eight are from Miller and they give an insight into the work of the Chelsea Gardener when he had probably reached the peak of his career .
8 The doctors diagnosed that he had probably had a left-sided embolic stroke , and decided that he did not need surgery , so he was treated on the medical ward , where he remained for about seven months .
9 He had probably been trying something far too fancy .
10 In the first weeks of the year he had probably begun ‘ Christabel ’ , an ambitious medieval romance founded once more on supernatural events .
11 At forty-seven years of age , he was young enough that he could be expected to complete the work , and yet he had probably built more buildings than any of his close rivals .
12 Two or three years later he might suddenly be appointed a full-time magistrate , even though by that time he had probably forgotten all of the law which he had learnt .
13 After Courtney was sentenced , police revealed he had probably assaulted 100 women .
14 He had probably been seen with Jesus in and around Jerusalem .
15 But he had probably not read Arnauld , at any rate not before he wrote the Essay .
16 He had probably looked over the preparatory material which had already been published elsewhere , and sketched out the remaining chapters , during his period of convalescence in the late summer and autumn of 1947 .
17 Supported by the local community , he had probably been selected by them , for his appointment by the Company included a note that he had been teaching since Michaelmas 1533 .
18 I thought he had probably made an arrangement with a brothel-keeper , and sometimes I pictured him clinging to the branch of a tree peering in the darkness through the window of some schoolgirls ' dormitory .
19 He had probably told her a lie of one sort or another every time they met .
20 He had probably the nicest nature of any dog I ever owned , and possessed the loveliest eyes , brown in colour , and he was my dog definitely .
21 By 1624 he had probably become a client of George Villiers , first Duke of Buckingham [ q.v. ] , speaking strongly in favour of war with Spain , and in 1625 he was reported ‘ never out of my lord duke 's chamber and bosom ’ .
22 He had probably been worrying about his vocation .
23 Nobody had seen the prisoner for a fortnight , and we all thought that he had probably left the moor .
24 He had probably invented them .
25 So he had probably left exactly when he meant to leave , intending to attack Terry Place but being killed himself .
26 He had warned her that desire was all he had to offer her , and he had probably assumed that his warning had hit home .
27 ‘ Poorboy ! 'said Charlotte , suddenly outraged by the weariness and exasperation of this ineffectual little man , worn out by a job he had probably chosen as the most profitable within his scope , and now found to be extending him far beyond the end of his tether .
28 And he had probably expected to see her at the shop this morning , while she had been waiting impatiently at his office .
29 He had probably not even noticed her , a tall , rather too thin woman of thirty odd , with dark auburn hair .
30 But then , she thought acidly , he had probably never been young in his life ; some people were like that .
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