Example sentences of "that [vb past] begun " in BNC.

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1 Phil complained , mourning the ending of a conversation that had begun to interest him .
2 After a week of fighting , the war that had begun with a thunderous high-tech blitzkrieg in the skies over Baghdad had not yet delivered visible proof of victory .
3 My journey , I realised now , was not one that had begun at fixed point ‘ A ’ and would run to ‘ B ’ : crossing space — by canoe or donkey or in the footsteps of — was not what it was about .
4 But ten million people had died in a campaign that had begun as a summer frolic in 1914 and now ended in a shower of November rain .
5 A day that had begun with the parade affirmation had to terminate in the same style .
6 For its part , the Academy was soon forced to issue a public statement to counter the rumours that had begun to circulate .
7 The war that had begun in August 1914 had thrown an intolerable burden upon the industry of the Russian Empire .
8 However , the democratic parties that had begun to form in Russia and other republics after the removal in February 1990 of the CPSU 's constitutional monopoly on the ‘ leading and guiding role ’ in society , were small and weak .
9 If was for service to the monarchy , however , that he was made the first Earl Ashburnham in 1730 ; for a family that had begun as modest farmers in the medieval Weald , this was no mean achievement .
10 But it was only accelerating a process of contraction that had begun decades earlier .
11 The cold cut through him , summoned by the winds that had begun their journey on the far plains of Siberia and the Ural mountains and the great Kirgiz steppe .
12 In the long wake of a critical career that had begun in the 1930s avowedly in imitation of Richards and Empson and which ended with his death at the age of 83 , his final achievement of style was above all to create , for a time , a compelling image of himself .
13 The crisis of 1965 was a continuation of the argument that had begun in 1961 with the Fouchet Plan and that had resurfaced over the application by Britain to join the EEC .
14 It struck a devastating blow at the presidency as an institution and gave powerful new impetus to the collapse of trust in government that had begun some years previously .
15 It seemed Gran too sensed there was no way of stopping whatever it was that had begun … ’
16 She watched the swallows that had begun to fly over the hill in the last of the light ; they skimmed close , almost round her feet .
17 Documents recently released by Birmingham LEA also reveal the degree of teacher and local authority hostility to the growing black presence in the schools , and the caricatures that had begun to circulate around the lifestyles and ‘ racial character ’ of ‘ Asia tics ’ and ‘ West Indians ’ .
18 Meantime the wonderful enchanted season that had begun with the opening of the show in April went on .
19 His legs had buckled and knocked , a comic effect , and he 'd gone down too soon for his partner to see the ugly roundel that had begun to form on the white tennis shirt .
20 And while she was having a whisky and eating a piece of cake at eleven o'clock , in a hapless impulse to demonstrate and somehow fix her freebooting mood — though she saw the irrationality of it on a day that had begun with a clear insight that at least she would try to equal his thinness even if she could never hope to achieve the frugality of his expectations — just as she was leaving the last part of the cake , she would think of a better way to write the note .
21 He took careful aim with his second barrel at a smaller buffalo that had begun circling in dismay , and they heard the dull thud of his successful shot echo clearly across the plain .
22 But common sense could not permit the ‘ monochromatic colouring of contradictory events ’ that had begun to prevail in some quarters of the press .
23 It exposed the moral dangers of the mechanistic philosophy that had begun with Bacon and had fuelled humankind 's drive for dominance over Nature .
24 Then reality closed its cold hand around her and she remembered her captivity as one seamless procession of days that had begun just like this .
25 The thought of a hot lasagne at home cheered him up and helped him ignore the throb of a headache that had begun during the drive up to Kentish Town .
26 The sweat that had begun in anticipation of what she might encounter in the street now ran in fear of her mother 's rage ; Nunzia 's eyes had gone hard and wrinkled like black olive pips when Rosa had produced the plover , and she had clucked impatiently with her tongue when Rosa lied and said her grandfather had shot it and presented it to her .
27 Her teeth gritted together to stop herself screaming , she rocked backwards and forwards like a child , oblivious to the drizzle that had begun while she 'd been in the kitchen with Gwen as disjointed sentences jostled in her brain for supremacy .
28 She despised him for an affair that had begun and ended thirty years before .
29 Or was it the heavy rain slapping against the windows , the wind 's eerie message as it whistled down the chimney and flickered at the flames that had begun to lick about the new-laid logs ?
30 Now in a short time he would be gone , and the era that had begun in the 1960S with the triumvirate of Harold Wilson , George Brown and myself would be at an end .
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