Example sentences of "that [pers pn] herself " in BNC.

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1 Maggie feels no doubt about that : so small a word , so small and so necessary a word is bound to survive , to slip through the net of destruction that she and Fenna — no , that she herself , alone — will loose on the cold sky tonight .
2 She would raise her lamp and view the lover that she herself had grown , even if this meant that she must lose him for ever .
3 The girl told him that the house was full of Pakistanis , and added , with a lilt of incomprehensible pride , that she herself came from Guyana .
4 In ‘ The Mistaken Lover ’ Leapor shows Strephon feebly criticizing his wife 's appearance ; in this poem , Leapor goes much further by asserting that she herself is an ugly woman , a slattern , and almost dares the gentleman to stand by his favourable opinion of her intelligence .
5 Shortly , Colinetta claims that she herself has never been envious nor has she spread scandal , though evidently others behave in this way .
6 ‘ No man could come near to imagining the anguish experienced by a woman when she is forced to give away her child so that she herself may live ! ’
7 It was evident from her tone that she herself had given up that delightful if unprofitable occupation .
8 The horses ' drinking-water tank had been topped up , she said , by a hosepipe from the city 's water supply during the first twenty minutes of our stop in Thunder Bay , in a procedure that she herself had supervised .
9 She knew that her husband was well past it and that she herself was beyond the age of childbearing , so her first reaction was to laugh .
10 She spoke in innocence of the fact that Knockglen had once thought that she herself might be the ideal child for them .
11 She heard his sobbing tale with less sympathy than was its due ; it did not occur to her that she herself , by coming here , had brought about all his troubles and her own .
12 She was not accustomed to ask questions , and obeyed ; Dinah accompanied her , saw her seated in the chair , the anaesthetic given , and the extraction begun ; then for the first time let her own mind admit the possibility that Paul 's illness might have some such origin , that she herself had in that case been the wife of a syphilitic for years , and might have caught it ; that she might lose her face or her mind ; that Robin had inherited it ; and now —
13 Harriet walked home wondering why she had not organised something of this sort before and marvelling at Mrs Rafferty 's complete acceptance of her own role in the community , one in which she obviously took it for granted that she herself had no need or right to ‘ a bit of a break ’ .
14 Liza said something about having been ill so that she herself did n't go out much .
15 Sociable Dorothy , although only seventeen years old , managed to infuse some sort of order into Isobel 's shattered life , hoping that soon Isobel would decide what she would do in the future , so that she herself could go back home to Wales , which , from the vantage point of Tollemarche , seemed infinitely cosy and desirable .
16 It seemed to her that she herself was drowning in blood .
17 I can argue that Greenfield does not make this explicit because she is taking for granted conventions that she herself has learnt in the western education system and which she expects her readers to share .
18 Already disturbed by Catholic accusations that she herself was illegitimate and that Mary was rightful successor to the English throne , Elizabeth hastened to oblige .
19 For a while she behaved wisely or cunningly — by allowing her ministers to give formal recognition to the ways of the reformed church on condition that she herself was allowed to worship in the old way in the privacy of her own chapel at Holyrood .
20 So that Clara , although she found it hard to believe that she herself was thus chosen , had no alternative to believing it .
21 Margaret Irwin herself accepted that the lack of success was caused by " the apathy of the women themselves … the woman does not take her industrial work as seriously as a man … [ she ] does not regard it as the permanent occupation of her life " .37 Margaret Irwin 's views are not to be dismissed lightly , but it is worth noting that she herself did not approach the question with any blazing convictions about equal pay .
22 Two hours later , as they sat watching an Irish comedian telling jokes that she herself considered quite unsuitable for family viewing , jokes that she hoped were incomprehensible to Celia and her grandparents , the telephone rang : it was her mother , to report that Liz had not telephoned .
23 She wished someone was watching them , to appreciate them , or that she herself was watching them , Finn kissing this black-haired young girl , from a bush a hundred yards away .
24 Gabriel knew she was aware that she herself had indirectly caused the poor sheep 's wound .
25 ‘ I ca n't think what you 've got to cry about , ’ said my mother , managing to imply that she herself had far more to cry about than Lili and far too much strength of character to do so .
26 She is here again because I , with a claim of my own to advance , and having regard to yet another claim , with strict fairness , brought her back to Shrewsbury , from which she began her controversial odyssey , so that she herself might choose where she wished to rest .
27 Lydia had to admit that Betty 's eagerness to admire and approve of people , while annoying , was a good characteristic and one that she herself lacked .
28 If he were not so attractive she thought that she herself might , by now , have shaken him soundly .
29 Marie and I agreed that she would train the chicks at La Trobe , using exactly the protocol that she herself had modified from Cherkin , which is essentially how we still do it even today , as I described it back in Chapter 2 .
30 She thought that her therapist would say that this was yet another example of her low self-esteem , a manifestation of her feeling that she herself was undeserving of both property and life .
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